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Tag: therapy

AMAZING! Woman Proves Sound Can Cure ANYTHING!

AMAZING! Woman Proves Sound Can Cure ANYTHING!

By on July 11, 2015 in Health, Science with 0 Comments

Sharry Edwards is an innovative pioneer in sound technology and has developed voice-wave software to cure virtually everything known to man!  Imagine using your voice to analyze any medical condition within you?  Imagine learning about a physical condition long before you knew it even existed within you?  According to Sharry, frequencies are medicine of the future and by the time you finish this article, you’ll agree!

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Reflexology – Methods and Tutorials

Reflexology – Methods and Tutorials

By on January 7, 2015 in Health

Reflexology, also known as touch therapy, originated in ancient China where pressure or massage stimulation was applied to the feet to treat or reduce diseases of certain organs. Certain pressure points were said to stimulate certain organs in ancient Taoist belief. Reflexology is an ancient field that has become a growing field of study for […]

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Why It Is Important To Change Your ‘Frequency’

Why It Is Important To Change Your ‘Frequency’

By on October 18, 2014 in Spiritual Awakening

by Christina Sarich “May you live in interesting times,” is considered a Chinese curse, but could it also be a blessing to live in such a chaotic time on this planet? Many of you reading this will shake your heads in the negative, feeling a woeful inclination to just throw in the towel and stick […]

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