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Tag: twelve strand DNA

How WAVE X Will Affect You

How WAVE X Will Affect You

By on July 12, 2015 in Awareness, Exiting The Matrix

Wave X is the term given by Dr. Simon Atkins to the big wave of electromagnetic frequency that is has been prophesized to arrive on the planet at the end of September this year. There is scientific evidence that proves that electromagnetic frequencies from the sun affect every living thing and its consciousness on the planet. How will Wave X’s electromagnetic and cosmic frequencies affect you?

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Bringers of the Dawn: A Message From the Pleiadians

Bringers of the Dawn: A Message From the Pleiadians

By on June 20, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words “should” and “try” from our vocabularies.

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