Tag: Violet Flame

Summer Solstice – Sun In Cancer: Giving Thanks And Honoring Yourself
Happy Solstice! The Solstice becomes exact on Friday, June 21 at 11:54 AM EDT (15:54 GMT). It is of course the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

Violet Flame As A Tool For Cleansing And Self-Empowerment
by August Eden, Contributing Writer,In5D.com How would it feel if you were able to rid yourself of all doubt, attachments, and overall suffering? It would be incredibly empowering for one to accomplish such feats; having the ability to blaze through life with utmost confidence. This ability to “blaze” through life can actually be achieved rather […]

The Life You Seek Is Already Here
by Bob Fickes, The Divine Heart has already opened on Earth. The new Consciousness is already awake. As we move closer to the Equinox in September, the Universe is opening our heart so we can tune in and reflect on our new life. The biggest challenges are behind us now. Don’t be distracted and don’t […]