The Ascension Rollercoaster
by Adeana M. Slater,
Guest writer,
The energy is intense and increasing. Lightworkers and Forerunners of this Ascension process are especially feeling the intensity because if you are guiding others, you will be thrown into your role rapidly. The purpose is to awaken as much of humanity as possible. Lightworkers of all types are greatly needed and will be throughout this process. It’s a soul agreement and volunteer to do this. In all honesty, to heal deep wounds and experience very very unfavorable situations in order to grow and learn as a soul is traumatic at times and definitely not easy to go through. I feel the sense that it’s “all hands on deck” now and as we head into what is yet to come.
Part of this forerunner role is aligning to your soul purpose and path. The goal is to reach higher consciousness ourselves and increase our frequency and vibration as much as we can. The energy of this increase is extended outward like a domino-effect or the ripple-effect in that it’s a wave that pulses outward towards others and influences their energy for the positive as well. Since we are all interconnected, this begins to speed up the overall process as the momentum gets going. It has been going well so far and it feels as if we are well on our way. We passed the true tipping point of Ascension. Now we are bracing ourselves for changes to occur rapidly in our own life as well as everyone around us.
This Ascension momentum is similar to a roller coaster ride. The long and slow movement and anticipation at the initial climb up. The tipping point is just reaching the very top and at this point you are able to look ahead at the view and get a sense of what is coming as we individually and collectively visualize the obstacle(s) before us. NOW we are going to make this rapid forward movement onto our path and into this process even further. The lucky Lightworkers have the honor and privilege to sit in the very first seat(s) of this rollercoaster guiding and leading those sitting behind them. HOLD ON TIGHT! This is happening now.
When you think of the rollercoaster ride, your life will no doubt reflect this course of motion where you are twisting this way and that. In some areas you are upside down in loops and this metaphor can serve the phrase: “when your life turns upside down”… topsy turvy. This is bringing annoyances to the surface for us to recognize very rapidly and almost in a shocking and surprising way. Again, some changes will feel forceful. The pressure of remaining in relationships, jobs, locations, situations, addictions etc that are not for your highest good will fall away fast now. If you are a procrastinator and you don’t listen to the warnings or intuitive guidance to change or remove yourself, then this energy of aggravation is here to guide you at first. Then nudge you. And finally give you a great big push from the backside onto your new path.
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If you still don’t listen or follow these promptings, then you will experience irritation until you just can’t take it anymore and finally do something about it. This is seemingly harsh but how often do we settle in all aspects of our life because of the fear of change? We settle for a somewhat satisfying career although we truly dream and desire to do something else. I am here to bet you that the job you are settling for will eventually begin to feel like a toxic environment. Possibly become more emotionally, physically, and mentally draining. Maybe the people you work with will behave negatively or appear to be “passive-aggressive” to you or others. These adverse experiences are brought in by your energy of “unable or unwilling to endure” anymore. The more you feel this, the more you will usher it in to be your reality until you change it.
Again there is the reminder that all things happen for a reason. Most of the changes we experience as initially unfavorable is truly a blessing in disguise. Try to see the higher reason and choose to be as positive as you can as this energy begins to nudge you along. Go with the flow. Change is a good thing!! And it is here for you to embrace it with loving open arms.
Love and Blessings to you All. ?
About the author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath, Lightworker, and Twin Flame who enjoys to write spiritual and inspirational articles in her free time to encourage the collective towards self love, soul empowerment, and higher consciousness.
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