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The Dawning Of A New You

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The Dawning Of A New You

by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

We are needing to put ourselves first in a way that we have not done before, not like this right now.

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This is years worth of so much releasing of ‘being’ a ‘certain way’ for so long with all we have each been experiencing and ‘coping’ with. As we each have/had ‘ways’ of coping that have brought us right to this moment here.

Yet, all has changed now since the Solar eclipse. Our world is ‘not the same’ as it was.

We are in a Dawning of a New Earth and to do so, we are needing to change or it will be changed for us, in some way or another, depending on what we are needing to experience for this great change for humanity and our planet. As ‘the old’ will simply ‘not work’ as it once ‘used to’.

Souls are at so many different ‘phases’ or ‘stage’s’ of their growth or the paths they are on, that it is not possible to share energy updates as I did previously for so many years, as per past post. The energies are still coming in, yet they are now spread out on/to various different ‘tangents’ to accommodate for this.

This does not mean I am no longer an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer for humanity. It means that all I have been sharing for so long, in the way I was, has changed.

It ‘means’ that living in the flow of energies 24/7 in Service to Gaia and Humanity for over 5years – in giving up all of my daily ‘chores’ (all but washing the clothes 😉 slowly over the years can now be slowly brought back in for me.

Feeling and experiencing the energies as they came in, through my living human vessel that was in 5D for 7years and now 6D for two years, to share as my first priority in my life. As this also included basically my ‘life’, yet it wasn’t giving it all up for me, so strong is the passion and ‘pull’ in ones soul when they have a ‘mission’ of the Divine, that it was Spirit and Soul = Life giving for myself.

I am so blessed that I have had amazing support of Michael who I live with who took on ALL the other roles in my life and household. And for an amazing son who had a very ‘non-conventional’ mother in all she did and lived in Service to the Divine. And 2 other very close Spiritual Sisters who loved and understood me unconditionally in this as well and helped literally ‘keep me alive’ during this this time, of the last 5years especially. And various others souls in resonation.

That what humanity is now going through, those awakened/awakening, I have been through for myself, yet each has their own unique experiences in this too. As an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer in linking our Spirit to our Soul. If I have not personally experienced what some one has, I am provided with guidance in how to assist souls to ‘help them help themselves’. Each and every time, ‘there is always a way and an answer’!

So while I am allowing this New Me to come up as well, I still want to share and ‘stay in touch’ with you in sharing, albeit differently now.

As new videos will be coming as it is very much ‘time’ for this other ‘aspect’ or energy of what I am sharing to come through personally from ‘me to you’.

So you can hear, see and most of all FEEL what I have been sharing for so long.

As one ‘thing’ does remain, that does not change and that is, we are needing to come home to ourselves…we are needing to link our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions, that has not changed or altered.

‘Be in the world but not of it’…take care of yourself in all that is going on in the world…don’t ‘take on’ all that is occurring, it is just way too much for just you alone to ‘take on’.

Pull back from others and what they are needing to experience and have FAITH and TRUST in your Souls Divine Journey.

The following 6 card reading came to share at this time.

How ‘we need to consider our own needs and make our well-being a priority’.

That ‘we are moving into a higher level of cognitive functioning which is a direct affect of the shifting vibrational frequencies on the planet’.

How ‘we are here to allow the deepest parts of ourselves to rise to the surface. There is a whole lot more to you, just below the surface. These are aspects of yourself which you are not fully conscious of yet’.

‘Just as you are, right now in this moment – you are enough. It is time for you to begin to understand your own worth and value. Spirit is asking that you start now, to understand just how important you are.’

‘Your worth comes from the fact that you are part of the God-Source. Once you fully realise this, you will play an invaluable role in helping others to discover their own worth too’.

‘It’s about restoring your faith in yourself, in your abilities, in your choices, and in your heart. It’s about restoring your faith in your fellow human and mankind as a whole. Some of the human experiences you’ve had have damaged your trust and faith. Spirit is holding out their hand to you, but it is up to you to find the faith within and to take hold of it. Regardless of whether you do or not, Spirit is by your side every step of the way’.

Remember, as always I am right here with you.

Much Divine Love and Blessings


Represents you or the current situation:


‘You are an endless giver. If anyone has a need, or requires assistance in anyway you are right there to help. Essentially you are an Earth Angel. Every life you touch is made better-whether you know it or not. Your heart is big, and the support and love you give is even bigger. You are one of the souls who are here to either nurture the world or the people in it.

However, there comes a time when we have to consider our OWN NEEDS over others. We have to make our own well-being a PRIORITY, even if that means it may not please others. You have to come first right now. Although is may feel as though it is going against your very nature to do so, it is VITAL that you put yourself first. Your physical and emotional well-being needs to be nurtured and maintained. This ensures that when you do give to someone else, what you give has substance.

Your personal value cannot be defined solely in what, or how much, you give to others. Your value and worth as a person come from all the incredible qualities that make you, You. Maybe this is the time you finally say ‘no’ or create a boundary. In some way, it is time to give to yourself, and restore a balance in your life.

You are a beautiful soul with much to give and a beautiful soul who deserves to receive. If there is something you need, or if you could use a little assistance, Spirit is encouraging you to allow others the opportunity to give to you. You know from your own experience how good it feels to give. So now you need to give the ultimate gift, and allow someone else to give to you. Its time to allow the caretaker to be taken care of’.

Obstacle to overcome:


‘This card comes when we are in the process of moving into a higher level of cognitive functioning. This is a direct affect of the shifting vibrational frequencies on the planet. Those who are ready for these new frequencies will begin to notice changes in their physical and energetic processes. The card signifies a shifting of your conscious functioning. Your cognitive processes are beginning to operate within the field of the higher frequencies. This can be seen as a change in your perception of how you view yourself, how you view this world, and your understanding of your innate connection with Source.

Your may find yourself making decisions on abstract knowings. You will start to understand the underlying causes behind the actions and behaviors of others. You will find you are clearer in what your own truth is and feel more empowered in it. Information will be quickly processed and sorted. Your thinking will start to encompass the bigger picture and understand how you fit into it. This is a part of the process in becoming an open channel to and from the Divine. The division between thoughts and intuition will begin to fade as they blend into one cohesive faculty.

You might find yourself in a bit of a brain-fog as this frequency shift completes. It is normal to experience forgetfulness, mild confusion, time passing quickly or slowly, or doing things you would never have considered before. There could be mild irritability and a lack of patience with yourself and others. Do not worry if you find yourself frustrated with your mind’s inability to process information quickly during this time. Once the energy shift is complete, you will be mentally clear and vibrant’.

What is happening on a Soul level:


‘Every time we allow ourselves to step out beyond our boundaries or find a way to get past our fears, the entire Universe celebrates. It isn’t easy to let the world see us, and Spirit knows this. But we are here to allow the deepest parts of ourselves to rise to the surface – to be seen and shared. The surfacing card comes when we are about to face the challenge of stepping up and stepping out into the world.

You could be asked to speak publicly, give a presentation, perform, release a novel, or anything which involves putting yourself out there. Whatever it is that is going to be asked of you will involve shining your soul’s light in some way, for others to see. You might be feeling scared as hell and wanting to run as fast as your legs will carry you. But this is why the Universe has give you this card today. Look carefully at the image. There are hundreds of tiny bubbles rising to the surface. Take a moment to energetically feel the colours. This is a lot of joy in there. This is Spirit’s way of reassuring you that this process brings with it much joy and celebration. This is part of your soul, doing what it has come here to do. You just have to get past yourself first.

The Surfacing card can also come if we have been brave and expressed our truth in some way It comes if we have shared a part of ourselves, our gifts, or our talents. Spirit is here to acknowledge you and your bravery. Every time you allow the expression of your soul, it is a cause for celebration!

There is a whole lot more to you, just below the surface. These are aspects of yourself which you are not fully conscious of yet. When the Surfacing card comes, it means that these hidden qualities are about to rise to the surface. Enjoy this time of self discovery’.

What is happening on a physical level:


‘You are one of the loving spirits who has come to be in service to humanity this life time. This strong desire and need to give to your fellow man is embedded deep within your soul’s blueprint. You play an important role in the cosmic plan. This card has come to you today as Spirit’s way of giving you a much needed reminder – that you hold a great worth and value.

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You can no longer question whether you are worthy or if you have value in this world. We all look to our physical world for confirmation. We question whether we are good enough, wanted and needed. We want the world to tell us that we are doing well and that it wants what we have to offer. But your value and worth cannot come from anyone or anything outside of you.

Just as you are, right now in this moment – you are enough. It is time for you to begin to understand your own worth and value. Spirit is asking that you start now, to understand just how important you are. Begin by asking yourself: How much would you value someone who was as kind to you, as you are to others? If you met a person whose inner heart was as caring and loving as yours, would you value them in your life? If someone gave to you as you give to others, would you value it? Of course you would.

You need to see yourself. See just how valuable you really are. Your worth does not come from what you do or how you behave. Your worth comes from the fact that you are part of the God-Source. Once you fully realise this, you will play an invaluable role in helping others to discover their own worth too’.

What needs to be embraced to help overcome the obstacle:


‘How much faith do you really have? Often we will say that we have faith, until life starts to get out of whack and things fall apart. It is easy to have faith when everything is running smoothly, but what about when it doesn’t go as planned? It’s hard to remain strong in faith when nothing seems to be going as you’d hoped.

This is exactly what faith is. Faith is about trusting Spirit, especially in those times when everything seems as though it’s going wrong. Spirit is asking you to have a bit more faith and trust. Being human means our point-of-view is limited and our understanding is skewed and one-sided. From the view point of the Universe, everything is in Divine and perfect order. Everything is exactly how it should be and needs to be, to help move to your rightful place on your path.

Do not pull back your energy and trust because things are not working out the way you thought they would. It may not feel good, but you have to honour the wisdom of Spirit and the outcomes that are arriving. Know it is perfect. It is for your best and highest good. Breathe, and trust what is. Allow yourself to let go, even if only a little at first, of any expectations you have.

This card is about restoring faith, but not just in Spirit. It’s about restoring your faith in yourself, in your abilities, in your choices, and in your heart. It’s about restoring your faith in your fellow human and mankind as a whole. Some of the human experiences you’ve had have damaged your trust and faith. Spirit is holding out their hand to you, but it is up to you to find the faith within and to take hold of it. Regardless of whether you do or not, Spirit is by your side every step of the way’.

The outcome:


‘Some souls come to the earth plane to simply experience life. Their lives focus on personal interactions – not on the betterment of the planet or on humanity itself. You however, are not one of those souls. You have incarnated for a much bigger reason. The core energy of who you are and the vibrational field you carry, has a profound effect on all those with whom you come in contact. You may already be aware of this – or you may not.

There is nothing you need to do to make your energy stronger, better, or higher in frequency. It des not need to be adjusted, altered, or activated. It already is all of those things. By believing that your energy needs to be improved, you are actually limiting the force and flow of it with thoughts of lack.

You did not come to this earth to improve your energy. You have come to this earth to use your energy! You are an energetic powerhouse and the Vibrational card has come to remind you of this!

You have the ability to effect and uplift the energy of anyone you come into contact with. Spirit is asking that you place your awareness on this. You, and the energy you hold, is intended to aid and benefit your fellow human. In your own unique way, through whatever it is you do, your energy makes an important and valuable contribution to this planet.

It is time for you to claim your energy and the power you hold. By focusing on how you use it and how it affects others, you are aligning your field to its intended purpose – to make a lasting and positive change in the lives of others’. Thankyou to Cheryl Lee Harnish for the Return of Spirit Oracle deck which I use so often in posts.

Anastacia Kompos

6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer
Ascended Earth Master
Australian Correspondent in5d

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment, in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.

Bringing through unique ‘genuine’ energy updates as gift as a Template for humanity, as these energies come directly in and through her human vessel from Spirit. A direct link of Pure Divine Light with Spirit/Source

About the author: Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment, in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions. Bringing through unique ‘genuine’ energy updates as gift as a Template for humanity, as these energies come directly in and through her human vessel from Spirit. A direct link of Pure Divine Light with Spirit/Source.

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