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The Old Soul Experience

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The Old Soul Experience

by Margo Kirtikar Ph.D.,

If you are an old soul, read on. If you’re not read on anyway! You might just surprise yourself. An old wise soul might be a member of your family, someone you work with, a neighbor or even someone sitting beside you on the bus. Hey maybe it’s the homeless person begging on the street. It could be literally anybody. You just don’t know. I mean they don’t exactly walk around with a label on their forehead but if you watch closely enough you’ll recognize them.

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As an old soul you have the most experience in the game of life. You have lived so many lifetimes on earth you must feel tired and exhausted, but hang in there because it is the old souls who are making the most difference on our planet right now.

Old souls can be of all ages, anything from under 20 to over 80. Yes old souls are always with us, they’ve always been here, all over the world on every continent in every town, in all shapes and sizes and they have experienced being either gender during any one of their many lifetimes, whether they lived a few short months or many long years.

Perhaps you are someone who remembers something vaguely, or you feel as if you are an old soul, or even know for sure that you are. Have you ever experienced meeting someone for the first time and you feel you’ve known them forever and you become immediate friends? That would mean that you both are old souls. How about meeting someone and at first glance you know this is someone with whom you must spend the rest of your life with, then you are definitely both old souls. When you find yourself in situations that seem familiar to you, you meet people you’ve never seen before yet you feel you must know them somehow. Well, it might just be that you are meeting previous family members from other lifetimes.

There has been wars and killings on this planet ever since humanity existed so most probably every old soul male or female at any one time was involved in the battles that raged so even though you might be a woman now you might have been a ferocious warrior in another lifetime, your child might have been your father uncle or aunt or cousin, or even enemy, you just don’t know because the roles change and the experiences change with every lifetime, for everyone. Children or adults who are wise beyond words are old souls.

Some of you know this clearly, but of course you have to keep it to yourself, you do not want to blow your own trumpet. Even though you need not be afraid any more in this day and age of being burnt at the stake, it is still not done! I mean to walk around declaring to the world around you that you are a very old and very wise too and they should listen to you… well, it’s just not the way to go.

Rejoice old soul. The energies of old that old souls had to battle with have now changed and believe it or not the universal energies are working with us old souls, so have no fear or doubt, be brave and courageous and go out there and do your thing whatever that may be. Be assured the more assertive, determined and passionate you are the more the universe will work with you and give you whatever it is you need to achieve your goals.

If you feel disorientated, confused as to what your mission is exactly and what you are supposed to do now, join the club of old souls, who still have to familiarize themselves with the new energies. You’ve had to fight for your rights for so long, you have to get used to the new waves of energies that are now working with you. No need to fight any more just go ahead and do, take action, positive action and all will be well for you.

You do realize and see daily how the new energies are in the process of cleaning out to expose all the muck, the lies, the atrocities and wickedness that has been done and which has been swept under so many carpets for so many long years. Here’s a piece of good news. The new energies cannot and will not tolerate anything that is not fair, just and good for the whole. So in spite of how bad things may seem around us have faith and trust that all will be well.

Old souls know and feel a special direct connection with the Creator. They never doubt and they never despair they’ve had too many life times of experience and they know that they are always loved. There is no question in their mind that the Creator is with them protecting them always.

Old souls carry a lot of light within them, and this light that old souls carry is lighting up our planet right now to overshadow the dark. The Akashic Records Field that absorbs all of humanity’s thoughts, emotions and knowledge, is now absorbing all the light, knowledge and wisdom from the wise old souls, to store this into the grids of the planet, for the next generations to come. How cool is that?

About The author:
As an old soul I have dedicated my life to coaching/guiding/mentoring people on their life journey to find the light. The goal is to be empowered and self confident to achieve any vision desired. I do this on skype. Contact me at we’ll talk for 15 minutes for free on Skype to decide if we are a match and we’ll take it from there. look forward to hearing from you. Join my newsletter so you receive any news I have about webinars.

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