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Upgrading Our Consciousness

By on March 20, 2020 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Upgrading Our Consciousness

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by Pia Orleane, Ph.D. & Cullen Baird Smith,
Contributing Writers,

What creates consciousness? What is its purpose? To answer these questions, we must first define the concept. We define consciousness as cosmic awareness, a knowing wisdom that comes from our trust in the universe and an awareness that Nature is divine and energy has intelligence.


But consciousness can also be defined in much simpler terms, such as the simple understanding of what is right and what is wrong. Understanding what is right and what is wrong is not about taking sides or judging someone else. It is about treating everyone with respect and kindness and considering how our actions affect everyone else. Each of us is a spark of divine energy, and how we use our energy defines our level of consciousness. Questions about consciousness cannot only be what or where questions. They must include how questions; they are questions about how we live our lives with regard for others and our environment. Consciousness includes living and treating others with respect, honor, kindness, acceptance, compassion, cooperation, peace, and love. Lack of consciousness results in thoughts and actions that are based on judgment, jealousy, rage, fear, greed, selfishness, and a desire to manipulate others or Nature.

Defining or seeking consciousness is not an intellectual pursuit, although science would very much like to uncover the seat of consciousness and define the mystery of how consciousness evolves. But regardless of the scientific perspective, consciousness cannot actually be found by or in the mind. True, deep awareness and understanding comes from the heart, for this is where consciousness resides. It is here that we understand that everything is connected and that we are all one. It is the mind that judges and separates, causing conflict, competition, and the urge to control (others or Nature.)

The heart discerns, accepts, and seeks harmony through exercising compassion. We simply cannot find consciousness using the mind alone. Even reading or listening to an uplifting spiritual piece (such as this one) is to seek consciousness through mental understanding, while a simple walk in the quiet of Nature can bring awareness, sensitivity, and empathy, principles that naturally raise our consciousness. True awareness and understanding only come when the mind is lead by the heart.

We achieve higher consciousness when we begin to take responsibility for all of our choices, our actions, and our thoughts (energy). We experience an enlightened moment when we understand that killing one thing (a cow or a spider) is no more acceptable than killing another (a pet or a person). Consciousness comes when we stop asking an outside force (God or extra-terrestrials) to save us, but instead take responsibility for changing the world we have co-created through our own choices.

Basically, consciousness is living the Sanskrit principle of Ahimsa (“Do no harm”) in all areas of our lives, including what we think about others, how and what we voice to others, the actions we choose, and how we treat our environment. Ahimsa is a principle of unity. It comes with the understanding that what I do to you, I do to myself as well. Another way of saying this is the Mayan phrase In Lak’ech (“I am another yourself.”)

We can use our feelings to guide us in bringing our consciousness to a higher level. We feel that our emotions, which we define as anything we feel that makes us uncomfortable versus our more uplifting feelings, are signposts that point to the work we must do to overcome our shadows and elevate our awareness. When we successfully work through our emotions without causing harm to others, we return to our natural feelings of love, joy, trust, and compassion. These are the elements of consciousness, for they bring unity and peace. A long time ago we learned a way that works to bring ourselves into a higher state of consciousness when we are suffering from our own emotional states. It consists of three parts that each of you can easily do:


1) Really feel what it is you are experiencing in your heart, and then ask, “What am I thinking about as I feel this?” Do not allow anything to distract you from this full participation. This part of the exercise leads you to find where your mind has judged your experience and cast blame, either on others or on yourself. Now you have to take responsibility for what you have discovered and begin to make changes.

2) Take a walk in Nature, enter a meditative state, or monitor your breath to stop the mental thoughts and allow the peace and quiet to return you to your natural state of calm, balance, and equanimity. It is from this place that you can make whatever changes are necessary from what you discovered in the first step.

3) Find a way to help someone else, for everyone is suffering. This can be as simple as offering a smile or a kind word to a stranger. This is practicing Ahimsa by not allowing unbalanced energy of your own emotions to penetrate and negatively affect someone else’s field.

Consciousness is awareness of our thoughts, our actions, and our reactions. When I was a very young man, I (Cullen), coined the below quote, which we believe to be a profound truth about consciousness: “You cannot be in a state of compassion if you are in a state of reaction. Conversely, you cannot be in a state of reaction if you are in a state of compassion.”

When our hearts guide our thoughts, we can experience enlightened moments where we recognize that we are all one, that separation is an illusion, and that every aware perspective can be compassionately harmonized into the fabric of true consciousness. Consciousness is love.

But love cannot be defined in scientific terms. Previous scientific explorations have depended upon the belief that consciousness exists as a function of the brain. Old methods of exploring something outside the existing “knowledge base” would have been eschewed because of a lack of scientific “proof,” such proof being based only upon limited empirical methods of study. Even Qualitative research relied upon “meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things”1 that had already been observed or measured in order to be worthy of consideration. Now science is not so sure, and explorations in the expanding area of consciousness study are asking some interesting questions about just where and how consciousness exists. In the new paradigm, science is conceding that consciousness may actually reside both in the heart and in the field around us.2

One of history’s most eminent scientists, Albert Einstein, was quoted as saying, that “we cannot solve our problems using the same level of thinking that created them.”3 This idea can, and should be, applied to our explorations of consciousness because most likely we cannot understand nor raise our levels of consciousness using the same limited patterns of thinking that have previously defined it. We need to remember that our very limited third dimensional brains designed the empirical system of exploration and study. Any study of consciousness today must move beyond those old scientific methods.

Noting the above, we remind you that even current science continues to examine possibilities for consciousness within the brain– its varying, components and the hormones that are produced there. Most recently science has turned an interested eye on the pineal gland; the tiny pinecone shaped endocrine gland in the center of the brain that produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone that regulates our sleep patterns, and a possibly a myriad of other yet to be discovered things. Science’s most recent focus has been on the pineal gland’s production of a higher octave of melatonin, called Metatonin. While the existence of this elixir of life has only very recently received scientific attention or a scientific name, wise people have known about it for hundreds of years. Indian yogis call it amrita, a substance that when obtained is said to bestow bliss, vitality, and wisdom.

If you want to investigate more about Amrita or its scientific name, Metatonin, there is a wealth of information on the Metatonin Research site listed at the end of this article.4 The basic understanding of this substance is that rather than putting the physical body into a state of sleep for rest and repair as Melatonin does, the more obscure (until recently) Metatonin keeps the body awake yet free from attachment to the resting physical body, thereby allowing consciousness to expand. While melatonin is produced regularly in the human body, the production and use of Metatonin is rare. When it occurs, we experience a dimension of ourselves that is above our normal everyday awareness. Hindus describe such occurrences as shaktiput, a spiritual transmission of awakened energy from one person to another.

But can we awaken our own consciousness, without the transmission from an Indian master? Why not? Metatonin is the active pineal gland secretion that dissolves the borders of consciousness as we understand it. People who achieve deep meditation (where they lose awareness of who or where they are and become one with something larger) are most likely activating the release of Metatonin in their brains. Ayahuasca, which has naturally occurring DMT (dimethyltryptamine) similar to the DMT based neurochemical Metatonin, and LSD experiences of expanded awareness may also be connected to triggering Metatonin release in the brain.

Whether we see consciousness as a deeper understanding of right and wrong and the ability to act from higher awareness, or as the activation of a magical substance within our brain, the importance of the pineal gland to our understanding of consciousness has once again become a prominent focus for those of us who are interested in expanding our consciousness. Should we not, therefore examine some of the physical things that may be prohibiting full functionality of this precious gland?

Calcification, the accumulation of calcium salts in tissue, called corporea arenacea or brain sand in the pineal, begins as early as the age of five, increasing as we age. Increased calcification of the pineal decreases the production of melatonin. We may notice disrupted sleep or lose our sense of direction as we age and experience more pineal calcification. The use of fluoridated water, a remedy presumed to prevent tooth decay, common in most first-world nations, is believed to be one of the chief causes of pineal calcification.5 Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom has revealed the accumulative and detrimental effects of fluoride.6 Are those who make these choices to fluoridate drinking water intentionally choosing to hide the truth about fluoride’s deleterious effects on the pineal, or are they simply unconscious?

Upgrading Our Consciousness

Other modern day perils present in our environment have a negative effect on the pineal, and therefore, possibly on our developing consciousness. We ingest Bisphenol (commonly referred to as BPA) through our skin every day when handling thermal print paper that is used as receipts, in using epoxy glue, from the insides of food cans, in dental fillings, through drinking from plastic bottles, and in our children’s sippy cups. These are only a few examples of common BPA poisoning. According to some statistics, more than 90% of people in the modern world have BPA in their systems. These very scientists note that there is “some concern” of the prevalence of BPA in the human system contributing to negative effects on the brain (our consciousness?), our behavior (conscious choices?), and the prostate gland (our reproductive system.) It has already been admitted that BPA is an estrogen mimic that disrupts the normal sexual maturity of children, beginning as early as in the fetal stage.7

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Even more insidious than BPA is the radical use of Glyphosate, the agricultural toxin in the weed-killer Roundup. This toxin not only has been shown to cause cancer, it also interferes with the pathways connected to the pineal by disrupting the balance of our gut bacteria, and thereby resulting in decreased production of serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine. These detrimental effects can be directly linked to sleep disorders, autism, depression, dementia, anxiety disorder, and Parkinson’s disease.8 Nothing has been done in the majority of countries worldwide to stop this toxic exposure that is affecting every one of us. Because of the drift effect of spraying herbicides, we are all exposed to this chemical, even if we avoid GMO foods.9 This alone leads us to believe consciousness must be explored outside our current paradigm of thinking.

Not only are we being inundated with fluoride, BPA, and glyphosate, we are being sprayed with countless unnamed chemicals and metal particles in the chemtrails that have now admittedly been linked to intentional climate control. Geoengineering, defined by Dane Wigington consists of programs to saturate the atmosphere by spraying millions of nanometers of toxic metal particles (in aerosols) from jet aircraft.”10 Proposals for this type of activity were first developed in the middle of the twentieth century, with the supposed purpose of controlling Earth’s weather by the military, as if man’s limited scientific knowledge is somehow ultimately superior to the wisdom of Nature. The immense scale of climate manipulation over the last seventy years through spraying of various toxic metal particles and cloud seeding with toxic chemicals is wreaking havoc on our biosphere, with unimaginable damage to the planet’s life support systems. The unprecedented temperature imbalances, draughts, and floods clearly indicate that geoengineering is one of the man-made manipulations that does not include awareness of the long-term and over-all affects on all life. Or is this an intentional use of chemicals to reduce the population of our overly crowded globe? And if so, does that make it right? Is this a conscious decision for the highest good of all?

Continuing to examine other environmental toxins that could affect our pineal gland, our consciousness, and our general awareness of what is right, we move to EMF’s, 5G, and the use of computers, one of the most questionable impacts upon our (hopefully) evolving consciousness. Science discovered in 2001 that cool blue light between the wavelength of 415 to 445 nanometers interferes with melatonin production, again, causing an assault on the pineal gland and all of the systems and organs it influences.11 How many of you have computers, flat screen televisions, or use compact fluorescent bulbs in your home? All of these items produce the wavelength of blue light that is silently interfering with the functionality of your pineal gland. So your assumptions that computers bring you knowledge may be true in some circumstances. But if blue light waves negatively impact the pineal, they are also decreasing your capacity to obtain inner wisdom. How can you raise your consciousness with others and share your awareness through reading and sharing information online, while simultaneously decreasing the essential hormones in your brain that contribute to your health, well-being, and ability to receive intuitive wisdom–all things a fully functional pineal has been shown to do?

Many leading scientists say that EMFs should be classified as a Class 1 Carcinogen (like smoking or asbestos). Some of the best and most open-minded medical doctors in the world have ascertained that EMFs are responsible for insomnia, fatigue, depression, and digestive issues. (Does this remind you of things we have discussed above that impact our pineal gland?) The most current generation of 5G technology has not had a single test that can prove lack of harm on humans (or other life). Nor is there very much general awareness of the Internet of Things, to which this technology is intimately linked. The Internet of Things links all computer data, without regard for human consciousness, as it makes decisions for us and about us. Are we perhaps giving up our consciousness through completely surrendering to AI? We feel that the continued acquiescence to Artificial Intelligence to provide instant information is potentially the greatest threat to consciousness (and perhaps human life) that has ever existed. What if the largest threat to human consciousness is not environmental toxins, but is the fact that we are slowly being taken over by AI? Let’s face it. Most of humanity is asleep. It almost feels as if humanity has already surrendered any interest in expanding our consciousness, if not surrendering consciousness itself to the almighty power of AI.

One last indication of our inability to determine right from wrong has been rendered by the State of Washington in America, which just passed a law allowing the turning human corpses into crop fertilizer via a process called liquid cremation, where alkaline hydrolysis turns flesh and bones into an “organic” fertilizer. But how “organic” can this be, when human bodies are already loaded with harmful chemicals such as mercury dental fillings, pharmaceuticals, and GMO food, which itself is full of toxic chemicals? Is it conscious to, first of all, be consuming human remains, and secondly, to consider that doing so is organic? Have we completely forgotten how to think, to feel, or to consider the full picture of such an action?12

We began this article stating that consciousness is understanding the difference between right and wrong. We end it the same way. If we want to understand consciousness, we need to examine how we feel, how we think, how we treat others (including the bodies of the deceased), and how we engage with our environment. We need to remember that how we use our energy defines our level of consciousness. Why are we conscious? What is the purpose of consciousness? We believe the purpose of consciousness is to recognize ourselves, everyone, and everything else, as part of the cosmos and practice simply being love and living in unity.


2- Rollin McCraty of the HeartMath Institute, quoted in Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology–Charting the Spirals of Conscoiusness by Orleane and Smith, 2018.

BIO: Pia Orleane, Ph.D. & Cullen Baird Smith are Ambassadors to the Pleiadian Group Laarkmaa, a loving group of interstellar beings who share wisdom to support human evolution. Co-authors of the Wisdom From the Stars series, which includes the COVR Award winning book for Divination, Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology- Charting the Spirals of Consciousness and the timeless classics Conversations With Laarkmaa–A Pleiadian View of the New Reality and Remembering Who We Are–Laarkmaa’s Guidance on Healing the Human Condition, Pia and Cullen are designers and co-creators of the revolutionary new Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar, a guide for conscious evolution and spiritual advancement using energy rather than time.  Laarkmaa Website  | Pia’s Website | Laarkmaa YouTube

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