Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast May 22 -28, 2018
by Hillory Skott,
Contributing Writer,In5D.com
Mystical Neptune lovingly trines high-minded Jupiter. Life is sprinkling us with magical luck and bountiful blessings- this is a rare alignment. Open your heart to receive.
Mercury will sextile Neptune this week too. Opportunity will be there if you reach out for it. Now you can create new grooves in your wiring for better outcomes. Our focused intention is often all it takes. It may be many layers deep, trust success is assured.
Jupiter is pushing us to expand our reality and Mercury is kind of happy repeating what seems to be working. Ask yourself if it is really working? Remember how much more there is to life, let the little dreams wake back up. Feed them love and attention and watch your world change.
The 25th is a potent day of magical energy. Neptune and Jupiter align. Creative potential is massive- projects born of this energy are divinely inspired. Neptune brings us the mystical shimmer that reminds us nothing is as it seems. What we know for sure is, there is so much more to know.
Mercury and Pluto also trine on this day. Stable thoughts with incredible insight are available. Depth and harmony can be achieved if we tread carefully with consciousness.
Saturn and Venus oppose on this day as well. Important emotional realities might be dawning on you now. You may feel a challenge to your fragile sense of self-worth. Remember, you yourself assign the meaning to the tricky situations in your life.
Use the Saturn energy to discipline your mind to think supportive thoughts that encourage and nurture. Structure makes a great container.
The Sun has just moved into Gemini on the 20th. Coming and goings increase. Now is the time to get out in your corner of the world and circulate, appreciate what is around you and cultivate those little relationships that add up to community. Visits and chit chat are very satisfying now. Watch for fibbers. Gemini, as we have all seen with the President of the USA, have a lot to say and the truth is relative to the moment.
There is a good combo of airy magical energy and grounded real world progress possible now. We are shifting realities quickly. Be clear about what you are creating. Does it make you happy? Are you able to be your true and total self? Just because we had shitty childhoods does not mean we have to keep recreating the crappy. Consciously choosing the highest version of the best life you can imagine is what you are here to do.
If you do it then we can do it too. Our life is the art we are here to create. Our Love is the miraculous material we have to work with. What could go wrong? Better question- What could go right? Lead with your heart.
This weeks Everyday Astrology Podcast
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About the author: I get such lovely feedback and attract very Light conscious people, feel blessed. I was told in 2005 while at a group channeling session, that I was one of the early indigo Children, at the time I was only vaguely aware of what that meant.I was 32 and it was true. Such a gift to find that out and begin to understand my differences were common among people with similar wiring. I have been studying astrology for 21 years, teaching and practicing professionally for 14 and speaking and writing for the last 6. I am also a Mum of a 14 year old unschooled daughter and the life partner to her Dad. It’s a grand little life and I want to help other people exit the matrix and live a life of Love and Light too. My offering is the connection to the energies of the planets and the understanding of our birth charts, our blueprint for our life plans. Please visit Hillory Skott International Holistic Astrologer.
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