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Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast September 4-11, 2017

By on September 5, 2017 in Astrology

September 4-11, 2017

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by Hillory Skott,
Contributing Writer,

Happy full Moon!


September sixth the full moon in Pisces morphs with its ruling planet Neptune- Nothing is as it seems. Mars moves into Virgo the same day Mercury goes Direct. We are swimming in the cosmic soup and realities are magically morphing during this full moon time. Use the Abundant Virgo energy to draw a line. Boundaries are super important now. Imagine if you crossed the yellow line on the highway? Boundaries can be life saving.

While you float around in possible futures let go of the past. Let go of overwhelm and confusion. Let go of shady situations and real life vampires. Look for what is hidden in plain sight. Get ready to act on what you know. But, for now allow it all to flow. Let go of control. Float. Clear your vibration. Tune into the light. Anchor it in. Watch your world transform, and the worlds of those you touch.

Mercury finally moves direct on the fifth. It will take until the 19th for it to get to the location it was when retrograde started. The degree of the eclipse is active too. This really clarifies the direction you know you need to go. Watch for signs you are on the right path. It may take time for this to be entirely clear, be patient. Keep a little notebook with all the signs you are encountering. Look to your dream world and your imagination for messages. Music, movies or poetry might deliver important marching orders.

Mars moves from natural born leader Leo into purifying Virgo. You will have more fuel to shake off any addictions you’ve picked up. What’s gotta go? You know what it is. Now is the time to get rid of it. On the full moon the next day you can completely walk away from unhealthy situations. Addictions are tricky. One cigarette seems harmless, but the dark controlling need that develops is what we want to rid ourselves of. Do you have any dark controlling needs making your choices? Just so no. Seriously, its that simple. Choose life.

You are stronger than your bad habits.

Neptune taps us into the other dimensions of the Cosmos on September sixth just after midnight PST the moon will be full. This full moon will put a spotlight on shady corners of the psyche. Take action on what you discover. It’s time to wrap up and let go. Even more so in Pisces. Our sensitivity will be off the charts. This is where you need be conscious. Though Pisces can be deceptive, it also delivers our mystical connections to the cosmos and our place and purpose here in the earth dimension. So breath in what you need to know and breath out what blocks your progress.


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On Saturday the Sun in Virgo will Trine Pluto in Capricorn. Stuff is transforming. Seriously transforming. Pluto lets us see why. Pluto is digging up the unacceptable. What was once unacceptable, to our parents, teachers, society, gets pushed deep down deep in our psyches. We attempt to live our acceptable selves and that is just not balanced. It’s like holding a beach ball under water when we suppress our true selves. Pluto is here to help us face the facts, feel the feelings and step into our power.

Mercury moves into Virgo on Saturday as well. Mercury is very good in Virgo. Many can we get things sorted. Our thoughts will be sharp and clear. What a relief after the boggy energy we have been swimming through with the full moon. A great deal can be accomplished in the realm of communications. Your mind can spot the flaws. Weeding out the unnecessary. De-clutter your field.

Pack light. When you get rid of the people places and things that no longer resonate you make room for the new to come in. Your practical view of things can be ruthless now. Discernment is a gift. Use it wisely, for the greater good. Blessed be.

Click here to listen to this weeks podcast

About the author: I get such lovely feedback and attract very Light conscious people, feel blessed. I was told in 2005 while at a group channeling session, that I was one of the early indigo Children, at the time I was only vaguely aware of what that meant.I was 32 and it was true. Such a gift to find that out and begin to understand my differences were common among people with similar wiring. I have been studying astrology for 21 years, teaching and practicing professionally for 14 and speaking and writing for the last 6. I am also a Mum of a 14 year old unschooled daughter and the life partner to her Dad. It’s a grand little life and I want to help other people exit the matrix and live a life of Love and Light too. My offering is the connection to the energies of the planets and the understanding of our birth charts, our blueprint for our life plans. Please visit Hillory Skott International Holistic Astrologer.

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