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What Is A Soul Call?

By on August 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

What Is A Soul Call?

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by Gary Leigh,
Guest Writer,

A soul call is a cry for help from one soul to another. It is a desire, a prayer, a request to the universe, to God, or whatever you have chosen to believe in, to bring aid and help deliver the caller from their current situation. 


There are many who are on a path where they have an overwhelming desire to help and heal others. Some choose to put themselves in the service of God (or whatever force they believe in) while others work to help those who ask for it, or need it.

From time to time, they will get what is called a Soul Call.


I believe that no prayer goes unanswered. It may not be answered in the way you expect it to be and you may choose to ignore the answer because you don’t agree with it, but it does get answered.

One of those ways is the Soul Call.

They are generally sent by those who have found themselves in a very dark place. Perhaps they see no way out of their current situation. Maybe the answer to their problem has eluded them. It’s possible they have lost all hope and have finally decided to pray to a higher power for aid.

Anyone can answer them but it’s more than likely that it will be someone who has agreed to be of service to others. Someone who seeks to help or wishes to grow in spirit.  It also may be due to an agreement that was made on a soul level that was agreed to even before birth or part of someone’s personal spiritual training.


The helper will feel an unmistakable pull towards the caller.

At its strongest, the parties involved in the soul call will feel like they are falling in love with each other. Often, the helper will feel a strong compulsion to see or talk with the caller, ask about their history, find out all they can, and take every opportunity to be with them.

If they try to ignore this feeling, it will become  stronger until it is almost irresistible.

Misunderstood, a soul call might turn into a romantic relationship or even a marriage. Once the call is completed you may find that magic spark is gone and no one will understand why. This can become very complicated for both parties, as they may not know what is really going on. This may result in resentment, anger and divorce.

Not all Soul Calls need be major events. Sometimes it can be as simple as just passing on a message.

Other times, it can be a little more complex, such as a need to help someone get to a safe place in their life or maybe to guide them to a new spiritual level. They can last from moments to years. There really are no rules.

If you are experienced enough and understand what is happening, the soul call can be completed with more speed and efficiency. The more soul calls you answer, the better you may become with them.

How do I know it’s a soul call?

So how do you know if it is a soul call or just a natural attraction to someone?

Love may be defined as something that makes you feel complete. It is not a desire to save someone or get something from them. It is when you are in harmony with another and they are in harmony with you. There is acceptance for who the other is, warts and all. There is a flow with love. It is a connection on all levels.

The soul call, on the other hand, normally comes with a sense of compassion and need.  There is often overwhelming desire to help the person or even save them. There is generally a sense of sympathy and yearning  to want to make their life better or an obsessive feeling that you must be in their life in some way.

I suggest checking your feelings and ask: Is this is a soul call? If you feel the answer is yes, then trust those feelings.

That can be tricky though, especially for Empaths as they may have trouble discerning their own feelings from those of others.

How do they begin?

A soul call may starts off rather low key. It might be just a compulsion to read a book, or maybe watch a show on television that you would not normally see. This can lead to information that you might need later.

They often begin with a seemingly chance encounter.

A personal example of mine was when I bought a book called: The Truth about Psychic powers. I did not bother to read it for years. Then during a major soul call where the person was under psychic attack, I randomly picked it up and found it had a section on that very subject and gave me needed information.

You might be preparing for years in advance for the time when you will answer that call.

Even seemingly negative events might be part of the preparation.

For instance, one of my first major soul calls occurred because I was seeking to alleviate the pain from a twenty year old shoulder injury. For years I looked for a way to fix it. One day, I passed a natural healing shop and got a strong pull to enter. It was the beginning of an important call and it lasted around nine months. This was the lady who was under psychic attack and her shop was in danger of closing.

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I learned much from that encounter, but I honestly believed I was in love with this person. It wasn’t until I understood what was going on and resolve her situation that those feelings finally left.

Without that injury, there would have been no reason for me walk into that store.

Remember, nothing is random.

How do I answer one?

So you’ve received a soul call. How exactly do you go about answering it?

The thing about them is that even if you are aware it is one, the other party may not be. This is a scenario that occurs more often than not.

Most people back away or feel reluctant to say anything because they feel awkward or stupid.

They will think: Do you exact me to go up to a total stranger and tell them this message that is in my head? I’m sure they will think I’m crazy.

So how do you tell someone what they need to hear? How do you do what is needed for those calls? In order for the call to be completed, you need to pass on what you feel compelled to do.

The simplest way is to simply come right out and say something along the lines of: I know this might sound crazy, but I have a very strong desire to tell you something.  What you choose to do with it is up to you. I’m just the messenger.

The typical response is that the received message makes sense, even if they weren’t aware they were asking for answers.

Trust in what you’re feeling and know that it will work out.

It’s also possible that the caller might change their mind, in which case, the pull towards them will disappear.

Final thoughts

You may be wondering what you personally get from answering these calls. The answer is experience. The more calls you are able to answer, the more proficient you become with answering and solving the problems. This will allow you to grow spiritualty and gain valuable experiences that you might otherwise not have.

So next time you feel you’re falling in love, check first to see if it’s a soul call.

They can be a great blessing for all involved.

About the authorI am an Empath, healer and classed as Otherkin. My mission is to heal the souls of people, give them back their powers and the tools in which to use them. I am the author of several books, including the free Empath Guidebook.

Some of my support sites are:

Empath Social – Connecting Empaths and Psychics.
Empath and Psychic Support – Our blog for Empaths and spiritual people.
Empath zone – The Empath Facebook resource and support site.
Empath Support and Psychic Secrets – Our YouTube Channel.
The Phoenix Archives  – Telling it like it is.

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