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Becoming The NEW 5D Sacred Human

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Becoming The NEW 5D Sacred Human

by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer,

Becoming the new 5D sacred human is the process of remembering and embodying conscious duality. In this place, the mind is loose, the body is humming with energies moving through. The experience of experience is beyond the mind and can not really be expressed in words, yet I try. I try because this is what I came here to do, on one level, in one form of expression, and there are others too. Through voice. Through energy transmissions. Through space holding. Through in person connection. Through relationships. With Raphael, my beloved galactic soul mate, beloved twinsie, through sacred sex.

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What I came here to express I am in the process of remembering, as it is for ALL of us. All of us are engaged in this process of remembering even if our process is to NOT remember for awhile. That is a sacred process too. NOT remembering is AS sacred as remembering. It is important to hold it as remembering the soul, remembering the galactic roots, remembering the multidimensional selves, remembering Divine Source, remembering PURE love, remembering sacred conscious relationships, remembering conscious community, remembering exchange without money, remembering vital health in whatever form of body you are in.

It is important to hold it as remembering because then it is related to not as a ‘special attainment’ of some kind or something that only a blessed few can inhabit and embody, but, actually, that ALL souls can remember. If they want to. If it is time. If that is their path. If that is their CHOICE. Because ALL souls are a fractal, a child, a split off from, Divine Source..ALL can remember this.

The process for remembering is simple when it is time, when it is your path, when it is your choice. The process for remembering is to let in PURE love. Letting in PURE love is how you remember. The ways and forms for BEing PURE love again, you will draw to you, you will find. Your higher self is that PURE love frequency and as you connect and embody this higher self form more and more you BECOME this higher self form. Archangels and angels and spirit guides are this PURE love frequency and as you connect with them and embody their frequencies more and more you BECOME them in human expression. Some humans, such as me and others, are as pure as we can be and still be human with healing heart and imperfectness. You can connect with us to remember as a template for remembering what and who you ARE too.

Star beings and star family are this PURE love frequency and as you connect and embody them more and more and embody their frequencies more and more you BECOME them in human form. They become you, they come in to ‘visit’ you and you ‘visit’ them. Their consciousness merges with yours in moments and you are on a light ship in the orbit of earth WHILE you are making breakfast or walking the dog.

You do not need ‘special’ moments set aside as often for this kind of connection as it just happens more and more. BUT, the special moments, the meditative moments, the going within moments and finding the connection and experiencing the connection…these moments are VERY important. They are your remembering moments and you NEED them in order to embody and remember.

You, as a species, are in the process of embodying something very new. I am Jelelle in the moment offering this as I am experiencing it and I can feel my galactic and angelic selves offering this too. We are offering that ‘ascension’ is the transmutation of the human consciousness into something NEW. That is why it is so exciting. We can get information and inspiration from Atlantis and from Lemuria, but it is not about BEING like we were then. It is different. We have changed, our collective consciousness has changed, from being in the dualistic experiment we have been in and been participating in.

We have learned from the experiences of death and rebirth. We have learned from the experiences of polarities playing out in wars, in death, in greed, in aging, in violence. We have learned from the GOOD polarities of making love, sacred union, sacred friendship, sacred community…..the beautiful edges rubbing together to form into an orgasmic experience that goes much beyond the body.

All these things we have learned we then ‘take with us’ as we ascend. We move into ‘conscious duality’, we are calling it now. A consciously dualistic sacred human moving into frequencies of merging while maintaining the individual spark of consciousness. The consciously dualistic human moving into non-duality and arising experience of experience WHILE remembering what it is to be THIS from THAT. I could go on and on in offering this piece of conscious duality, but I’ll let it bake inside awhile longer.

Remembering….yes, you are remembering. We are remembering, and it is messy at times, ups and downs. Today I am soaring with the skies and the heavens AND in afterglow from galactic love making with Raphael in which aspects of us and our SOUL connection came in DURING it to infuse us with newness, star language, and even MORE connection. Yesterday, I had head and neck pain almost ALL day and did not leave the bed much or the apartment. This is the waves we ride with remembering.

I hope you can feel the LOVE that I feel in my heart for this process and ALL of us who undertake it with consciousness and practice and letting go of SO MUCH that is NOT us. The lone wolf phase is necessary until it is NOT and if you it is not for you, We are here to wrap you in love and it IS real. And so it IS! To REMEMBERING! <3

Jelelle AwenAbout the author: Jelelle Awen is an ascending teacher into 5D consciousness, Divine guide-scribe-author, group facilitator, and co-creator/teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit for more information about sessions, online group calls and circles, community, videos, and more.

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