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Ascension Toolkit #1 – Breathing

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Ascension Toolkit #1 - Breathing

by Michael H Hallett,
Contributing Writer,


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No, not like that. That isn’t breathing. That’s just the autonomous nervous system ticking over in low gear while you’re stuck in the traffic jam of life.


That’s more like it. More deeply… filling up your lungs and fully exhaling. Most importantly, your awareness is on your breath. You can feel the life-giving air flowing in and out of your body. You are no longer breathing autonomously. You are using the #1 tool in the Ascension toolbox.

Why is breathing so important?

Apart from the obvious, that is… that airy stuff coming in and out.

When you place your awareness on your breath, your breathing ceases to be unconscious and becomes conscious. With that simple act you cross a magical threshold. You leave the realm of the individual and enter that of the cosmic.

Here’s a little experiment. Immerse yourself in something extremely mental, something that requires all your intelligence to make sense out of. Then try to place your awareness on your breath. Can you keep your mind fully engaged and at the same time follow your breath as it softly glides in and out of your body?

Are you out of your mind yet?

Conscious breathing is a great Ascension tool precisely because it takes you out of your mind. If you have got any distance down the Ascension superhighway, you will know this is a desirable place to be—particularly if you suffer from stress, anxiety or panic attacks.

Whenever we feel under stress it is because our unconsciousness experiences a fear of some kind of shortage. It might be a shortage of money, food, water, security, love or even life itself. Our unconscious screams, “Do something about this NOW!” and we experience this silent scream as stress, anxiety and panic that bounces around our minds like juggling chainsaws.

Conscious breathing connects you to the cosmos. The cosmos is abundant. Always. The universe always has enough of whatever it is your unconscious is stressed about. Feel it. As you consciously breathe, relax and feel the cosmos. It knows you’re there. It brings you all the air you can ever breathe.


That’s it. You are an integral part of the universe. Relax.


Michael H Hallett provides Ascension guidance. He writes on emotional intelligence and the mechanics of Ascension.

Image: Pixabay

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