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Tag: awareness

20 Signs: Are You a Natural Energy Healer?

20 Signs: Are You a Natural Energy Healer?

By on February 2, 2023 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The journey of self-discovery can be a transformative and enlightening experience, leading us to connect with our inner selves and the universal energy that surrounds us. As we tap into this infinite source of healing and power, we may begin to recognize certain signs that suggest we possess a natural gift as an energy healer. These signs can range from a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others, to a heightened intuition and a strong connection to the spiritual realm. By exploring these 20 signs, we can gain insight into our innate abilities and embrace the path of energy healing, unlocking our full potential to bring peace and healing to ourselves and those around us.

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The 10 Big Benefits Of Being An Empath

The 10 Big Benefits Of Being An Empath

By on June 12, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

There are actually some great benefits of being highly empathic. Most people put all the focus on the difficulties and don’t get far enough in their self-discovery on their own to realize the enormous benefits.

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11 Reasons To Meditate Daily

11 Reasons To Meditate Daily

By on June 9, 2019 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Here’s a short list of the benefits that come from a daily meditation practice.

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Humanity Evolves, Awareness, And Awakening Dawn

Humanity Evolves, Awareness, And Awakening Dawn

By on December 28, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

Medical scientists are cloning animals and humans, a clear plan to accelerate growth and development of humanity. Mothers started to hire surrogates, try test tube in vitro fertilization/cloning pro-creation for their own reasons.

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50 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades

50 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades

By on January 30, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Enough people have woken up, changed lifestyles, habits, thought and behavior patterns, embracing expansion of consciousness. A tipping point has been realized. What does all this look like? Feel like? How are others experiencing this recalibration of our mindbodysoul beings?

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The 7 Types Of Empaths

The 7 Types Of Empaths

By on January 18, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Ever feel like you’re too overwhelmed by the world? Ever feel like you can FEEL everything and don’t know the difference between what is you and what isn’t you? In this article I’m going to share with you the 7 different types of Empaths that exist in the world. A word to the wise, you can be more than one!

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Being In Two Places At The Same Time

Being In Two Places At The Same Time

By on September 2, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Dennis Klinger, Contributing Writer, You’ve played your role perfectly.  You have become what you need to be.  Everything is about perspective.  Happiness is about perspective. Everything that happens to you adds to who you are. How does tragedy add to the person I am?  How does tragedy make me a better person?  I don’t […]

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We Are Here To Change The Universe

We Are Here To Change The Universe

By on August 29, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Dennis Klinger, Contributing Writer, We are here to change the universe.  There are things inside this universe that will always be different because we were here, because we changed them and time records the changes.  We are here to turn the soil and leave the world a different place, giving it a life while […]

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A True Understanding of Time

A True Understanding of Time

By on June 9, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jude Fullmer, Contributing Writer, You may have heard that time is limited to the third dimension and more so an illusion. Why is this? Can we understand what time is, and thus understand how to transcend it? Absolutely! And I’m here to let you in on the how. In order to understand time, we […]

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Inside The Mind Of Creator

Inside The Mind Of Creator

By on May 5, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jude Fullmer, Contributing Writer, Ready to DISCOVER for yourself who/what we REALLY are as humans? Put on your visualization caps, and follow me! Have you ever laid there late at night and created a story in your head? You know, where you do an amazing feat and become famous. Or woo the beautiful, intelligent, […]

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The Foundations Of Multidimensional Consciousness

The Foundations Of Multidimensional Consciousness

By on May 5, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Tiara Kumara, Contributing Writer, This is an excerpt from Skillsets of Evolution A 4 Month Training of Advanced Spiritual Development Everything in the universe is energy and this energy vibrates at many different speeds. ‘Dimensions’ are states of consciousness that are defined according to the rate of frequency at which we vibrate. The rate […]

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Ascension Toolkit #1 – Breathing

Ascension Toolkit #1 – Breathing

By on April 3, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

When you place your awareness on your breath, your breathing ceases to be unconscious and becomes conscious. With that simple act you cross a magical threshold. You leave the realm of the individual and enter that of the cosmic.

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Starseed Symptoms Due To Awakening And DNA Activation

Starseed Symptoms Due To Awakening And DNA Activation

By on March 3, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

via What’s Up on Planet Earth, Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the New higher energies, we are all experiencing these changes in our own way and in our own time, according to who we are. And generally speaking, our ascension process relates to how we each run our own […]

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The Secret To An Accelerated Conscious Awakening

The Secret To An Accelerated Conscious Awakening

By on February 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Andrea Schulman, Contributing Writer, Are you in the midst of a conscious awakening? Contrary to often popular opinion, although many people can reference the “start” of their awakening, an awakening is an ongoing process. Being consciously “awake” isn’t an ending. Rather awakening is a never-ending process of becoming more consciously awake as we go […]

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ENERGY UPDATE – Where Are We At?

ENERGY UPDATE – Where Are We At?

By on February 18, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Right now we are in the LABOR stage of a very new RE-BIRTH in the Human – from our recent Galactic Re-Birth – BB articles 2-5th February Pts 1-3 As a flow and follow on from our Galactic Re-Birth. Now is NOT THE TIME TO PUSH! Here is a mini […]

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