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A 7th Coronal Mass Ejection is on its way with G5 Storm!

A 7th Coronal Mass Ejection is on its way with G5 Storm!

By on May 11, 2024 in Awareness, Science with 0 Comments

We recently found out that a 7th coronal mass ejection (CME) is heading toward Earth. Additionally, the space weather conditions have been raised to the highest level on the NOAA Scales chart, G5, which hasn’t been seen since October of 2003.

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HEADS UP! SIX MASSIVE Corona Mass Ejections Are On Their Way

HEADS UP! SIX MASSIVE Corona Mass Ejections Are On Their Way

By on May 10, 2024 in Awareness, Science with 0 Comments

A potential Carrington Event is possible with six massive Corona Mass Ejections (CME’s) on their way. A massive sunspot, known as AR3664, has grown to rival the famous Carrington sunspot of 1859. This enormous sunspot is 15 times wider than Earth and can be seen with ordinary eclipse glasses. In fact, it’s easy to project an image of this sunspot onto a white screen or sidewalk, just like Carrington did in the 19th century.

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Prophetic Dreams – New Earth, DNA Upgrades, Transformation, And UFOs

Prophetic Dreams – New Earth, DNA Upgrades, Transformation, And UFOs

By on January 11, 2024 in Spiritual Awakening, Science with 0 Comments

Have you ever had a dream that was a premonition of the future? How about unusual dreams, such as seeing UFOs or being aboard a mothership? Many dreams are metaphors for events that happened throughout the day that still need to be resolved. Ultimately, dreams are a complex interplay of various factors, including daytime experiences, emotions, unconscious desires, and archetypal themes.

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Can You See Into Other Dimensions with Dicyanin Glasses?

Can You See Into Other Dimensions with Dicyanin Glasses?

By on January 11, 2024 in Science with 0 Comments

As unreal as it sounds, Dicyanin Dye Glasses were invented almost 100 years ago. In 1908, medical electrician Dr. Walter Kilner invented Kilner screens which were glass plates containing a Dicyanin dye solution that he believed would allow him to see the human aura, which is an energy field that surrounds the body.

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The Secret LONG BEFORE The Secret! The Origin & Ancient History of the Law of Attraction

The Secret LONG BEFORE The Secret! The Origin & Ancient History of the Law of Attraction

We’ve all heard of the Law of Attraction and The Secret, but what are their origins? Would you believe that these concepts were rooted in the mid 1800’s?  Well, it’s true! The Secret was a relatively unknown secret LONG before the video and book came out. History can trace it’s origins back to the days of your great grandparents or even your great great great grandparents.

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Understanding Schumann Resonance Blackouts

Understanding Schumann Resonance Blackouts

By on May 10, 2023 in Science with 0 Comments

The Schumann Resonance (SR) is a naturally occurring electromagnetic resonance that exists within the Earth’s ionosphere, created by the interaction of lightning strikes with the Earth’s surface. It is a series of frequencies that oscillate at around 7.83 Hz and extend to the higher frequencies of 50 Hz. These frequencies are thought to have a significant impact on human consciousness and are believed to be responsible for many of the spiritual and psychic experiences that people report having.

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The Power of Orgone Energy: Wilhelm Reich’s Forbidden Cancer Invention

The Power of Orgone Energy: Wilhelm Reich’s Forbidden Cancer Invention

By on May 10, 2023 in Science, Awareness with 0 Comments

As with many scientific pioneers, Wilhelm Reich’s ideas were not always well-received in his time. However, his invention of the “orgone accumulator” is a shining example of his dedication to understanding and healing the human body.

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Stanley Kubrick and Filmmaker’s Son’s Deathbed Confessions Expose Moon Landing Hoax!

Stanley Kubrick and Filmmaker’s Son’s Deathbed Confessions Expose Moon Landing Hoax!

By on May 8, 2023 in Awareness, Science with 0 Comments

Two deathbed confessions have emerged, proving that the U.S. moon landing was a hoax! The stunning video shows Stanley Kubrick admitting in an interview that he helped NASA fake the landings. In the interview, Kubrick confesses that he filmed the fake moon landing and that the U.S. government and NASA perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public. Filmmaker T. Patrick Murray conducted the interview three days before Kubrick’s death in March 1999, and he was forced to sign an NDA to keep the interview’s contents secret for 15 years.

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Seeing Sound, Vibration, and Frequency: Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean and the Water Hose Experiment

Seeing Sound, Vibration, and Frequency: Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean and the Water Hose Experiment

By on May 6, 2023 in Science, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A man recently discovered an amazing way to visualize the effects of sound, frequency, and vibration when playing music through a speaker. By using a water hose and tying it to a speaker, he was able to create beautiful and intricate patterns that were mesmerizing to watch.

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Paranormal Golf Moment: Chris Stroud’s Haunted Golf Ball?

Paranormal Golf Moment: Chris Stroud’s Haunted Golf Ball?

By on April 24, 2023 in Science with 0 Comments

Get ready for a spine-chilling golf tale like no other, as we recount the perplexing events that transpired during the Zurich Classic of New Orleans. Professional golfer Chris Stroud and his partner Brian Stuard were left baffled by the inexplicable movements of Stroud’s haunted ball, which seemed to have a mind of its own on the green. In a paranormal turn of events that seemed to defy logic, the haunted ball’s encounter with the supernatural left everyone bewildered.

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🚨🔥NASA’s Space Lies: Glass of Water Reveals Deception in Live Broadcast!🚨🔥

🚨🔥NASA’s Space Lies: Glass of Water Reveals Deception in Live Broadcast!🚨🔥

By on April 15, 2023 in Awareness, Science with 0 Comments

Boy, did NASA ever screw up!  What were they thinking…. or NOT thinking? NASA recently came under fire when a live broadcast from “space” appeared to show a glass of water sitting on a tabletop. After further investigation, it was discovered that this was a mistake made in the studio where the video was recorded. The glass of water was mistakenly left on the table before the segment was shot, and it was not removed before the broadcast went live.

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TV Alert: How Your Favorite Shows are Secretly Ruining Your Brain Chemistry

TV Alert: How Your Favorite Shows are Secretly Ruining Your Brain Chemistry

By on January 26, 2023 in Awareness, Science with 0 Comments

Are you hooked on your favorite shows? Do you find yourself unable to stop watching despite the growing guilt and concern about the impact on your mental and physical well-being? Well, brace yourself for a shocker, as the truth about how your favorite shows are secretly ruining your brain chemistry is about to be revealed. From the constant release of adrenaline to the confusion and disorientation caused by unrealistic storylines, the effects of TV on our brain chemistry are far-reaching and undeniable. Keep reading to discover the dark side of TV and how to protect yourself.

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MUST READ! The Spiritual Significance of Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms

MUST READ! The Spiritual Significance of Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms

By on January 20, 2023 in Enlightening Articles, Science with 0 Comments

Solar flares, geomagnetic storms and DNA upgrades, the ultimate trifecta of spiritual evolution. Can you imagine it? The universe sending a surge of cosmic energy to give your DNA a little upgrade, like a free upgrade to first class on a flight. Next thing you know, you’ll be able to see in the dark, communicate telepathically and photosynthesize like a plant. And all thanks to a solar flare or geomagnetic storm!

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Back to the Future? 5 Ways to Make Time Travel Happen

Back to the Future? 5 Ways to Make Time Travel Happen

By on January 18, 2023 in Science, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

ATTENTION TIME TRAVELERS! Are you tired of being stuck in the present? Do you long for the days of the dinosaurs or the excitement of the future? Well, hold on to your DeLoreans, because we’re about to take a wild ride through the possibilities of time travel!

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Project Looking Glass Insider Speaks Out – There Is An INEVITABLE Event Coming

Project Looking Glass Insider Speaks Out – There Is An INEVITABLE Event Coming

By on January 13, 2023 in Prophecy, Science, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Some Project Looking Glass discoveries include: (1) the choices that we make become less and less consequential to the future and eventually were pushed into this bottleneck of time no matter which choice we make. (2) Very smart people began to figure out that something big was coming up. (3) All possible timelines lead to the same basic set of history in the future. (4) The elites of the world probably figured out that that was the end of the game and nothing could be manipulated beyond that point.(5) The timelines will contract down to some inevitable thing. There is an inevitable event, an evolution of consciousness.

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