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Starseeds And Our Human Origins
What is a starseed? Better yet, who is a star seed? If you trace the origins of human lineage, you end up with a plethora of questions. We were seeded here from various star nations. In this premise, genetic and ethnic diversity is explained. It also covers the differences in our blood types, such as Rh negative, Rh positive, A, B, AB and O blood types.

Exciting Upcoming Updates For In5D!
Exciting Upcoming Updates For In5D! In5D has a number of exciting updates coming up on all platforms! ZOOM VIDEOS! NEW YOUTUBE SERIES, “MY AWAKENING STORIES”, PATREON INSIDER’S CLUB PRIVATE CHAT,

Adam Kadmon Light Body Interview
I think many of you will find this article quite fascinating. The Adam Kadmon interview originally took place in 1997 and goes on to talk about many things we are experiencing today, such as time speeding up, raising our vibration, the great shift and much more. For the record, Adam Kadmon is a phrase found in the writings of the Kabbalah meaning “original man”. Enjoy!

Which Star System Did YOU Originate From?
Which star system did YOU originally come from? The following describes traits and characteristics of specific star systems. At the end of the article, vote on the star system that resonates with you the most! The following is from Jo Amidon’s book, “Where Are You Really From?”

Quiz – Are You a Starseed?
by Ragnarok Are you of non-terrestrial reincarnational origin? Since I first started doing past-life regressions a few years ago I have known that my spiritual origins are not Earth-bound. In my researches I have come to understand that there are a number of soul types here. The one I want to talk about are “Starseeds” […]

INDIGO WATCH: Top 5 Celebs With Unique, Indigo Traits
by Neda The Mystic, Contributing Writer, There has been a lot of controversy about who for sure is an indigo and who is not. Various individuals hold different beliefs surrounding the topic- some suggest Indigos are people with special gifts. Some believe their souls belong to another planet and this is their first or relatively […]

5 Crystals For Indigos
Discover five crystals for Indigos. Tap into the supportive power of these stones that work with your Indigo vibration. Balance your energies, shield yourself and align with your soul’s mission.

I Can Heal Water – A Star Child Speaks, Calls For Humanity To Wake Up
The idea that a 9-year-old girl can heal water is astounding enough! Find out what else she can do and the message she has for humanity.

The Indigo Child And How To Recognize One
by Sandra Weaver, The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they’re asleep. Our thoughts and feelings are not our own. The truth […]

Telepathic And Autistic Child Genius Baffles Scientist
As a species, we have undergone spontaneous evolution several times in our human lineage. Are we going through it now?

26 Psychic Abilities Of Star Children
As cosmic energies bathe the planet in ever increasing waves of higher consciousness, our DNA is being activated or returned to its perfection. Psychic abilities that have been dormant for thousands of years are currently being activated.