INDIGO WATCH: Top 5 Celebs With Unique, Indigo Traits
by Neda The Mystic,
Contributing Writer,
There has been a lot of controversy about who for sure is an indigo and who is not. Various individuals hold different beliefs surrounding the topic- some suggest Indigos are people with special gifts. Some believe their souls belong to another planet and this is their first or relatively recent incarnation on earth as human. And others believe, they’re just regular people who tend to be different from the norm/carry a different purpose.
I encourage you, as the reader, to believe whatever makes sense to you.
We are all unique- all of us. It’s just that some people see it and fully appreciate it-while others do not. When we fall in love with a person, we sense uniqueness in them that somehow hits close to home, a uniqueness that other people do not truly see and recognize and fully appreciate.
Our souls crave difference, variety, and extraordinariness. It is this uniqueness that cannot always be explained in words that tend to make one person fall in love with someone, and in an unconditional way ever since sensing that uniqueness- a uniqueness that makes us somehow feel safe with that person, even though our rational minds do not always comprehend it. That’s why they say, true love does not happen for a conditional reason, like a person being “smart, funny, tall, etc.” It just happens!
The very event of the falling in love, however, does happen for a reason, as there is order and destiny in the universe. So, we can see someone as an indigo, regardless of whether they have been told or diagnosed as one, because we are in love with them. For the one we love, in our heads, we will automatically think of them as “special.” But the kind of indigo many spiritualists tends to categorize contains many certain, standardized traits that distinguish them from others.
Everyone has at least one of these traits, but spiritualists tend to call the ones who are indigo the ones who have most of these traits, not just some:
- They are extremely sensitive and very intuitive.
- They are “peace warriors” and can be very “edgy.”
- They have a tremendous desire to be of service to mankind.
- They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
- They have a feeling of “deserving to be here,” and are surprised when others don’t share that.
- Self-worth is not a big issue with those in their power. They often tell the parents “who they are.”
- They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
- They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
- They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented, outdated and don’t require creative thought.
- They often see better ways of doing things, both at home, work and in school, which makes them seem like “system busters” (nonconforming to old systems).
- They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. The old school system may be extremely difficult for them socially.
- They will not respond to “guilt” discipline (“Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did”).
- They are not shy in letting you know what they need.
- They are often diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia and other learning challenges.- Most are creative or intellectual geniuses.
Everything has beauty. Not everyone can see it.
All of us have some Indigo traits-everyone. For some, however, these traits are more dominant expressions of their personality. They appear loudest above all other character traits. Amongst some of the Indigo traits the fabulous five below have are: rebellious feelings against authority (Kurt), feelings of not belonging (Kurt) feelings of being special/entitled for a specific purpose (Christopher), Creative (Hrithik) passionate (Hrithik) artistic (Kurt) introverted (Enya), artistic (Josephine) Imaginative (Enya). And now for the top 5..
1. Kurt Cobain
“I always wanted to think I was an alien, I used to think when I was young that I was adopted by my mother because when they found me in a spaceship and they let me out, I was from a different planet. I wanted to be from a different planet really bad. Every night I used to talk to my real parents and my real family in the skies. I knew that there were thousands of other alien babies dropped off all over the place, and I have met quite a few of them. It’s just something that I’ve always liked to toy with in my mind. It’s really fun to pretend that, you know, there is some special reason for me to be here, and I feel really homesick all the time, and so do the other aliens. And I only have a chance to come across a handful of other aliens throughout the rest of my life.” — Kurt Cobain
Kurt was once a considerably happy little boy, until his parents divorced when he was nine. Everything changed, and Kurt grew into a rebellious teen. He dropped out of High School and his mom gave him the option of either getting a job or leaving home. His mom had no idea that this once homeless young boy who lived under a Washington bridge would become a legendary Rock Icon, bringing to light a new sort of genre known as “grunge.” He was highly philosophical, artistic, and a seeker of nonconformity. His song, “Come as you are” represents the pure, raw self without social conditioning or any form of pretense.
Kurt was highly artistic and would spend a great deal of his time doodling figures such as Donald Duck and Michael Jackson. He explored religion and dwelled in many principles of Zen Buddhism, a concept he would contemplate on in his composition journal as a teen. Around the time of his death, he was very self-critical, hard on himself, and did not believe in his capabilities, which is why he achieved only a small fraction of his wonderful potential, in my view. He could have done so much more to uplift others, as a man with humanitarian interests. He spoke out against ways of parenting, rape, racism, abuse, conformity, and the list continues remarkably. He was not only negative and depressed, but his self-worth was disturbingly low. He described himself as a faker, which is disheartening because Kurt could have done a lot to change the current ways of conformity and injustice in the world today had he not taken his life. I sense he was a deeply, kind, but oversensitive individual who felt like he was not enough and just did not believe in himself! He had a heart of gold. His biggest vice- low self-esteem!
2. Hrithik Roshan
The Superstar from India overcame a rocky childhood of stuttering problems, social anxiety, and scoliosis to become one of the biggest names in Bollywood. He is often found in Heroic and inspirational roles such as in Krrish, Jodaa Akbar, and Guzarrish. He played India’s superhero with profound innocence and deep heartfelt emotion. His films have brought Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and many others together. Born into a family already in the film industry, he aimed to be just like his father, who was his role model whom Hrithik sometimes felt unable to measure up to.
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“For oral tests at school, I used to bunk school, I used to fall sick, I used to break my hand, I used to get a sprain… unfortunately, it’s one of those handicaps that is made fun of. Especially kids, you can’t blame them but they end up being mean because it looks funny. So the childhood of a person suffering from a problem like this is pure hell… you have to go through all those little moments of hell.
He tried countless methods to cure his stuttering problem- everything from hypnosis to physiotherapy to speaking with marbles under his tongue, but nothing worked. Fortunately, he began reading books carefully aloud to himself. He is said to still practice speech therapy to this day. He has a strong will and strives to believe in the goodness of the world.
3. Christopher Reeve
Chris Reeve, who is now deceased, was America’s Superman. He admired the way acting permitted him to dive into a wide span of human emotions. He was filled with a lot of anger and distress following his parents’ divorce. After his accident that left him disabled and paralyzed from the neck down, he devoted his life to helping people with disabilities. He founded The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, which funds medical research for spinal cord injuries and also uses grants to help enhance the lives of the disabled. Reeve was elected Chairman of the American Paralysis Association and Vice Chairman of the National Organization on Disability. He also traveled across the country to give speeches. He made a guest appearance on Sesame Street as well. He also wrote an autobiography called “Still Me” as well as “Nothing is Impossible: Reflections on a New Life
He was determined, relentless, optimistic, and hopeful, deciding not to let what happened to him define him, and inspiring others with his hope, proving himself a hero not just on-screen, but off-screen. Most of all, he believed that amazing things could happen. “When John Kennedy promised that by the end of the 1960s we would put a man on the moon,” Reeve told Time magazine, “Everybody, including the scientists, shook their heads in dismay. But we did it. We can cure spinal-cord injuries too, if there’s the will. What was possible in outer space is possible in inner space.”
4. Josephine Wall
This artist from England has fantastical paintings that will take you into a whole new world of beauty, wonder, and passion. She has painted since she was a child. She never runs short of ideas. Many of her ideas come from her interest in nature. Her art is illustrated on calendars, clothing, and handbags, and the list goes on. She also does sculptures and figurines that resemble characters from Lord of the Rings. Stressed?
Dare to view some of her breath-taking work here:
5. Enya
This singer who is celebrated for her hit, “Only Time,” bought a castle in Ireland that she named Manderley Castle in 1997. She has written songs like “Aniron” in a fictional language invented by J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of Lord of the Rings). In a 1991 interview, at age 30, she said: “I’m afraid of marriage because I’m afraid someone might want me because of who I am instead of because they loved me …” This quote stands out because a lot of us claim that we “want to be loved for who we are.” But, who we are now is a temporary stage that may change in a few weeks. Enya values unconditional love- a love that is accepting regardless of perceived flaws.
Enya is also quite introverted and has never done a concert! “My private lifestyle bothers a lot of people. I don’t like anybody else’s opinion. It’s not a hanging offense not wanting to go to nightclubs. What happened to choice?” Although she was born into A Roman Catholic family, this mysterious artist identifies herself as “more spiritual than religious … I derive from religion what I enjoy.” This Irish star is one of Ireland’s richest entertainers, is unmarried, and has no children. Unlike dozens of celebrities and stars, she distinguishes herself from her career- “The music is what sells. Not me, or what I stand for … that’s the way I’ve always wanted it”. Many stars come into the music industry hoping to find love one day. For this woman, fame simply isn’t her game.
About the author: Neda is a psychology student. She loves screenwriting, art, Rumi poetry, traveling, philosophy, and studying esoteric spirituality and religion. Her favorite spiritual author growing up was Deepak Chopra. She is the owner of She currently offers life-enhancing advice free of charge.
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