Authors and writers: Are you interested in having your original spiritual, esoteric or metaphysical articles published on In5D? In5D has published some amazing articles from authors who have submitted their material to In5D and we are looking for more writers like YOU! In5D receives over 1,000,000 visitors each month, so your article(s) will not only reach a lot of people, but will help them on their own spiritual journeys.
As the author, you will receive full credit for your submission via your bio or a hyperlink of your email address or website to your name and you will retain all copyright to your article. If you would like to submit an article anonymously or as a pseudo-name, you may do so as well.
Article Submission Guidelines
1. Please be familiar with In5D to get an idea of the types of articles we publish.
2. Articles should fall within the range of the following topics: Spiritual Awakening, Meditation, Prophecy, Indigo & Crystal Beings, Miscellaneous In5D, Health, Astrology, UFO’s, Crop Circles, Extraterrestrials and “How To.”
3. Writing should be reader-friendly (keep it simple!) and should speak to the heart, soul and mind.
4. Writing should be inspiring, uplifting (not derogatory) and of genuine interest to spiritual seekers from diverse paths.
5. Articles should have a universal meaning or message.
6. Please do not send any articles that basically sell a product.
7. Only submit ORIGINAL material!
8. Try to encapsulate your article in the 1st paragraph. This is what we use to promote your article.
9. Try to avoid writing from the “I” or “me” perspective. We’ll still accept any and all articles but these don’t tend to do as well in reaching as many people as possible. That being said, don’t let this deter you from writing in this style. If it’s a great article, it’ll reach people no matter what!
PLEASE NOTE: there are exceptions to this rule! If you’ve experienced something amazing such as walking in out out of 5D, let us know from YOUR perspective!!!
10. Feel free to add a short bio at the end of the article.
11. All articles should be sent in Microsoft Word format (preferably .doc, not .docx). To save in .doc, simply choose “Save As” and choose “.doc” instead of “.docx”.
12. While In5D may not publish all submissions, those whose articles are approved for publishing will be notified before publication.
13. Please spell check and grammar check your article! I work 12-15+ hours a day and do not have the time to change words like “i” to “I”.
14. In general, I DO NOT post channeling articles. I have made a few exceptions. I’ve been a channeler for years and won’t post anything I’ve channeled. Why? Because I’ve seen too many other channelers get GREAT info, only to be led in the wrong direction or mislead others. A friend of mine was channeling Mother Mary, who told her accurate predictions of what would happen. Then Mother Mary told my friend to kill herself. This is the EXACT reason why I stay away from channeled messages!
15. Make sure the title will capture the readers attention! There are a lot of great articles on the internet with horrible titles so make sure your title is going to grab the reader’s attention. In general, if the title is not catchy, then most people won’t read any further.
Donate to In5D
With over 6,000+ free articles and 1,200+ free videos, any donation would be greatly appreciated!
Much love for your kind donation,
Please keep in mind that at any given time, I have over 100 articles to review, read, edit, and schedule (if accepted), so they may not get published immediately. If you have an article that is TIME SENSITIVE, include that in your subject title!
Be sure that your title and opening paragraph are appealing to the reader because if your article is published, the opening paragraph will be the “tag line” that appears under the article on both the home page of In5D and on Facebook. Here are a few examples:
Example 1
Title: Are You Feeling The New Energies?
1st paragraph:
Have you been feeling an energetic burst of energy lately for no apparent reason? If so, you’re not alone!
Example 2:
Title: Moving Into 5D, Hidden In Plain Sight
1st Paragraph:
Imagine moving into your new lightbody while the ruling elite watch you ‘ascend’? Many times, Hollywood hides messages in plain sight. In this particular case, most people will see this as fantasy or science-fiction, but is there a grain of truth hidden within the storyline?
Example 3:
Title: What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki
1st Paragraph: Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and extraterrestrial neighbors who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling you everything.
The opening paragraph needs to encapsulate what you are writing about in as few words as possible!
Here are some examples from authors who submitted articles to In5D:
Genetic Blueprint – A Seed Plus Saliva Equals Miracle Health by Yolanda Arenas
When ‘Bad’ Manifestations Happen to ‘Good’ Light Workers by Max and Lana
13 Things in Your Water That Shouldn’t Be There & What to Do About It by Christina Sarich
People especially enjoy reading “How To” (e.g. How To Calm The Overactive Mind) articles and “Top 10 __________” articles (although it could be Top 3, Top 20, etc…) so keep this in mind for a possible article title.
If you have an article you would like to submit for publishing, please email it to . Millions of people are waiting to read your article!