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How To Remove Negative Energies In Your Home

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How To Remove Negative Energies In Your Home

by Norma Lehmeier Hartie
Excerpt from Harmonious Environment:

The main reason to clear a space—your home, your car or your office—is to remove negative energies. Negative energies occur for a number of reasons.

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They include:


Earth Energies



Every time you clean your home you are removing negative energy. Cleaning your home or workspace will make it lighter and more positive. This is a result of organizing, of ridding yourself of things you no longer need and removing toxic products from your environment. Just opening windows brings in fresh, positive energy.

How To Remove Negative Energy In Your Home

Other space clearing techniques include dowsing; smudging with herbs or incense; clearing with bells, cymbals and singing bowls; and clearing with chanting. I’ll describe these methods in future posts.

When and What to Clear of Negative Energy

No matter what method or methods you chose to clear negative or disturbed energies, always clear mindfully and without distractions. Turn off the stereo and television—you need to clear in a quiet atmosphere. Your intent is to clear disturbed or negative energies. When clearing, visualize these energies disappearing. The reason that you should be specific is that you want the good energy left undisturbed. If you chose to smudge with herbs, for example, speak aloud or silently words to convey that you are removing negative energy.

Clearing is done in a meditative-type state—slowly and with focus—so the words are much like a mantra. Keep them simple. For example, if I am smudging, I will think “negativity be gone!” or “if there is negative energy present, please leave.” At the same time, I visualize the space vibrant with only positive energy.

Every home and workspace should be cleared periodically. It is impossible to say exactly how often, as it depends on your situation. You will develop a feel for how often you need to clear negative energies.

The following is a guide for good times to clear negative energies:

On the subject of buying something that was previous used, I highly recommend that you do not purchase a second-hand bed. So much time is spent in bed—therefore, too much energy of the previous owner(s) is in a bed. Do you really want to gamble on who spent time in your bed? If you already have a used bed that you love, or insist on buying a used bed, learn how to dowse or hire someone to dowse it for you.

Jewelry, Crystals and Gemstones

Second-hand jewelry should be cleared, as jewelry picks up the energy of the wearer. You may wish to clear all your jewelry, crystals and gemstones, especially if you have been feeling poorly. Be especially mindful of clearing only negative energy when working on an inherited piece from a loved one.


There are a number of methods for clearing jewelry, gemstones and crystals:

Clear negative energies if you or other members of your household are feeling poorly for any unexplained reason. This can include any mental, physical or emotional upset. This is most notable if a change occurs following a move into a new home or office.

Image: Pixabay

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