Tag: smudging
The History And Origins Of Smudging In Different Cultures
Smudging is a ceremonial practice that involves burning certain herbs and plants to create smoke, which is then used to purify a person, space, or object. It is a ritual that has been practiced for centuries in many different cultures around the world, each with its unique origins and variations.
7 Ways To Remove Negative Energy
Before we can start filling our homes with positive energy, we need to remove any accumulation of negative energy. Here is a list of seven simple proven techniques that you can use to remove negative energy from any space
Incense Smudging To Clear Away Negative Energy
The North American native tradition of smudging by burning white sage bundles has been used for this exact reason for generations. It clears out stale and negative energy out of the body and spirit. This could include all types of residual feelings regarding a situation that has past, negative emotions such as anger and fear that linger after an event or interaction, and tension and stress felt psychologically or physically.
How To Defend Yourself Against Astral Energies
I have been inundated lately with reported cases of demonic attacks, psychic vampirism, hallucinations, etc. As a holistic life coach, I have been working with people to explain what is happening and why, as well as what we can do about it. This video touches on who and what is attacking, the reasons why you or your loved one is being targeted, and what you can do.
Have You Experienced Interference With People Close To You?
Those of us who continue to raise our vibration are moving away from the realm where we can be energetically attacked. Because of this, the Draco/Reptilian Archonic agenda has ramped up to affect those around us. This ploy is designed to attempt to lower our vibration through interpersonal contact with those that we have contact with.
Pink Ouija Board Being Marketed To 8 Year Old Girls
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com As a child, many of us grew up playing with a Ouija board trying to channel spirits from beyond. At the time, this seemed like harmless fun and for the most part, was just a game. I’ve had a lifelong interest in esoteric, metaphysical, spiritual, and […]
Raise The Energy In Your Home With Smudging
by Norma Lehmeier Hartie Smudging has traditionally been performed by Native Americans and is the ritual burning of herbs to create smoke to clear and purify a person or space. Ceremonies may begin and end with the burning of these sacred herbs. Herbs such as sage, sweetgrass and cedar are generally used. Try to obtain […]
15 Tips For Empaths and Highly Sensitive People
Empaths and highly sensitive people need ways to cope with the abundance of energy around them. Please read the following coping tips if you’re being affected by these energies.