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Tag: herbs

How To Remove Negative Energies In Your Home

How To Remove Negative Energies In Your Home

The main reason to clear a space—your home, your car or your office—is to remove negative energies. Negative energies occur for a number of reasons.

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Now That I Have My Crystals, What Do I Do With Them?

Now That I Have My Crystals, What Do I Do With Them?

Below is a list of possible ways you could go about choosing a crystaland what to do once you’ve bought it. Remember, just because a crystal is beautiful, and the nicest one of a bunch, doesn’t mean that it is the best crystal for you. It is more important to be receptive and allow yourself to be drawn to a stone that will have meaning for you.

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7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection & Spirit Communication

7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection & Spirit Communication

By on November 9, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

These 7 plant allies can stimulate our consciousness to expand opening us to alternate experiences of reality and new ways of perceiving our selves and surroundings

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Naturally Detox Your Body With These 6 Power Foods

Naturally Detox Your Body With These 6 Power Foods

By on August 19, 2015 in Health

There are all kinds of intense detoxification protocols out there that can help cleanse the colon, blood, liver, and other bodily organs and systems of toxic materials. But sometimes the easiest and most effective way to keep your body maintained and in check is to simply incorporate more cleansing foods into your everyday diet. Here are six “power” foods with known detox benefits that may help you and your family steer clear of chronic pain, disease, and other toxin-induced health conditions:

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How Do Vitamins, Herbs, Other Supplements, Or Medications Affect My Spiritual Progress?

How Do Vitamins, Herbs, Other Supplements, Or Medications Affect My Spiritual Progress?

By on April 20, 2015 in Health

Do you find that even high-quality supplements and medications don’t help your system as much as they seem to help others? Do ‘healthy’ products appear to cause more side effects than benefits for you or fail to work after a short period of time?

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Raise The Energy In Your Home With Smudging

Raise The Energy In Your Home With Smudging

By on January 20, 2015 in Health

by Norma Lehmeier Hartie Smudging has traditionally been performed by Native Americans and is the ritual burning of herbs to create smoke to clear and purify a person or space. Ceremonies may begin and end with the burning of these sacred herbs. Herbs such as sage, sweetgrass and cedar are generally used. Try to obtain […]

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7 Herbs For 7 Chakras

7 Herbs For 7 Chakras

By on January 12, 2015 in Meditation with 0 Comments

The information in your chakras helps you learn and grow. Working with your aura and chakras is a form of preventative medicine. A conscious connection to your energy field allows you to amplify life-affirming thoughts and feelings as well as clearing negative ones from affecting your health. Each chakra has different experiences to offer us.

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Divine Magical Action

Divine Magical Action

By on October 14, 2014 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Kim Caldwell guest writer for “I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans.” ~ William Blake In life we are all faced with challenging times. One of the most beneficial things we can do is relax and learn to flow with energy. Many people are part of a “heard mentality” […]

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