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5th Dimension Consciousness
We are living during a monumental time in which humanity is experiencing a shift to higher consciousness. We are shifting from 3rd dimension consciousness to 5th dimension consciousness. The following is what one may experience once they have reached 5th dimension consciousness and beyond

Ascension And The Holidays
As the holidays approach, we all have much to be thankful for. Even if you do not celebrate the holidays, we all still have much to be thankful for.

Love In The 5th Dimension
We all know that there are many different kinds of love. There is romantic love, the love between parent and child, the love between siblings, the love between friends, the love between pet owner and pet, and many other kinds of love. However, when we speak of love in the 5th dimension, we are not limited to these kinds of love. Fifth dimensional love includes all of these kinds of love, and it also extends beyond the confines of 3rd dimension love to include other types of love.

Ascension And Premonitions
While on the path of ascension, one may eventually begin to experience the psychic ability of Precognition or in other words, premonitions. The information may come through in different ways, and a variety of information may come through.

Ascension And Divine Grace
When one is on the path of ascension, they may eventually experience random acts of kindness. They are miraculously in the right place at the right time to lend a helping hand to those in need. Such a path may eventually lead one to experience divine grace.

Ascension and the Intuitive Ability of Clairvoyance
Those who are on the path of ascension may eventually possess the ability of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond that which is perceived with the physical eyes. Clairvoyance includes seeing with the third eye, also known as the psychic eye, the inner eye, or the mind’s eye.