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April 15, 2018 – World Regression Day!

By on April 13, 2018 in Meditation

by Candace Craw-Goldman,

On April 15, 2018 the Quantum Healing Practitioner Community members will be holding live and online group regressions across the world!

What is a “regression” and why would anyone want to experience one? We use the term regression because it is a relatively well-known word that describes a certain type of consciousness exploration. Most people think of “past life” regressions when the term is used. The idea of exploring one’s “other incarnations” comes from the ancient human belief in reincarnation. Ancient peoples from a multitude of cultures including Hindu, Egyptian and others have explored this idea for thousands of years. The idea that the soul is eternal and experiences many lives is nothing new.


Past life Regression Therapy is based on the ancient belief of reincarnation. Reincarnation the foundation of Hindu philosophy,, dates back thousands of years. Greek dream incubation centers and the Greek and Egyptian Mystery schools are more examples of regression practiced during ancient times.

The notion that the soul is eternal and incarnates again and again is shared by many cultures and currently is becoming more popular than ever before. But there is more to the idea of experiencing a regression than just past lives!

Not all “regressions” focus on past lives – not at all. Some facilitators assist their clients to explore the future- this might be more accurately termed “progression.” Others might focus on cosmic or galactic journeys to other planets or other worlds or even other dimensions. Still other regression sessions explore various consciousness expressions, such as lives of animals or even molecules or cells! Regressions can be one-on-one, in groups, highly focused on a specific goal or purpose. Or, they can be generalized and focus on something as open as “the highest and best” experience available to the one exploring.

Regressions are can be done solo with videos or audio tracks. They can also be facilitated by a quantum healing practitioner who will assist you into a guided meditative experience that can bring about memories of other lives, other worlds or metaphoric stories that can inform. Often these experiences are wonderful ways to gain knowledge about your emotional, mental, physical or spiritual self. Reflecting upon these explorations can bring significant meaning, understanding and valuable insight. Group regressions in particular are an excellent way to explore if you are new to this experience.

How does one prepare for a group regression? Easy! By bringing an open, inquisitive and playful mind. Each group regression will have its own flavor and focus, depending on the facilitator and each individual participant.

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Worldwide Regression Day has some notable Quantum Healers participating! The Voice of the Elohim, Pamela Aarralyn will lead a Quantum Alchemy inspired regression that will focus on helping people to release fears and limitations and open them to choose liberation and empowerment. Quantum Healer Allison Coe will lead her group with a BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) inspired theme that is likely to encourage a very cosmic connection. Many others are participating as well, you can find that list of practitioners worldwide at the following link: World Regression Day.


World Regression Day was created to celebrate all pioneers of regression consciousness exploration with a particular nod to the incomparable Dolores Cannon, whose birthday was April 15, 1931.

Can’t make it on Sunday? Not to worry, find a Quantum Healer near you by following this link-

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