Energy Update – Triple Energies At Once
by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,
Australian Correspondent,
Last night was ‘one eye’ on the astrals and ‘one eye’ resting lol.
A main area of ‘where we are at right now’ is we are shifting into A new timeline!!!
Now, there is so much around about timelines shifting and then when something very specific occurs, this can be viewed as ‘just another timeline update’.
And the importance of how different and very big this is right now can be ‘missed’.
Well in this instance, right now, I have/am going through this for myself and others around me are as well, that I am finding I am guiding, with A very new timeline for themselves.
It has been a sort of a ‘gradual process’ of bit by bit and then comes the breaking through and then ‘okay, lets start again’ or ‘lets go from here’, for some.
Yet within this, for others there is also some major life changing decisions. Major as in life-saving literally.
As we are shifting into A new time-line for ourselves right now, that is not all ‘clear cut’.
This is just a brief summary for now.
So just be aware that this timeline shift, is a process of re-adjusting and then maybe re-adjusting ‘as-we-go
Trailblazer/Ascension Pioneer personal Energy update
Anastacia-Blue Beyond
Triple Physical Release/Fatigue- ‘Blending’ 3 Timelines into 1 in the human = TRIPLE GROWTH
Last night the energies were ‘super intense’ coming through the physical body. As the ‘last place we feel a release, shift, healing is on the physical.
This was an unusual and ‘different’ shift though our physical this ‘time’, as at all hours this morning (AEST) came a feeling of ‘ahhh’ as I fully released this through my physical body. As it was felt very intensely!
The something ‘different’ that occurred, is that the energies were then cleared above in the astrals/multi-dimensions for the ‘next step’ (or steps) for what ever that is for each of us, immediately after the shift through of the physical!
I say ‘different’ as well, as yesterday I experienced like 3 past pattern energies arise ALL AT ONCE. Hence the releasing in the physical was like triple releasing ALL AT ONCE. (3 timelines at once in the human, to blend into A new timeline, as shared briefly in Part 1 as a lead up to this).
Feeling exhausted in a way, of like just ‘running a huge marathon’.
Blue Rays, trailblazers, forerunners wayshowers will also be feeling what I have shared. And this is with already have been very very tired from going through all we have recently. Then this was like added onto this!
Yet others will have slept a lot and processed and transmuted this, this way. In clearing with other souls/situations in the astrals and through ‘dreams’.
Yet they will/may feel very ‘worn out’ and not ‘know why’.
As we went through like a ‘gauntlet’ of energies is what comes or 3 gauntlets!
As an example of the ‘different’ of this, let me share that in the past, we would feel 1 old pattern (in the human) that we are shifting/changing and then from this, we would then feel this healing on the physical.
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And then it would be a ‘process’ to then shift and clear in the astrals/Spirit.
Yet yesterday there were 3 at once (in our human lives) occurring, at the same time and then came the shift in the astrals/spirit immediately after this or with this as a ‘follow on’.
So in following this – ‘the last place we feel a shift is on the physical’ = Triple Release/Fatigue – yet- also Triple Growth!
This has not ‘happened’ like this before in this way of 3 in 1 in the Human!
As if we released triple in the physical, then this = we ‘broke through’ Triple in the astrals/Multidimensions as well!
Triple energies has ‘come up’ a lot recently. And this is being reflected in how this update is being shared. As even writing this took me a few times lol. As I wrote this in 3 different formats/times for me to blend these into 1. So this Triple New Timeline blending is still occurring!
Everything is TRIPLE right now!
Which can be the FINAL passing through in the physical in ‘life threatening’ situations – for some.
As we have blended (or are blending) 3 timelines into one! Three different experiences being experienced at once, and again, this is now in the human as well, which in ‘all my time’ of experiencing is the first time that has occurred!
Triple growth is coming through with this, which can be overwhelming and lead one to feeling anxiety. Please read and feel this within, if one is feeling overwhelmed with so many changes, this is the ‘why’ with this and to stop and take a breath with this knowledge.
May this ‘find’ and bless those who read this and allow you further ‘insight’ as to the bigger picture ‘going on’.
As we are each blazing our own trails for and with ourselves and humanity.
As always I am right here with you.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.
About the author: Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both – of the Divine – through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.
You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2017. Copyright © 2016-2017
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