Lion’s Gate Portal & Pineal Transmission Boosting
by Nicole Frolick,
Contributing Writer,
August 8th, 2017 is known as the 888 or peak of the Lion’s Gate portal. In today’s video I discuss the importance of this event as well as how you can boost your pineal transmission to affect positive change in the world using the incoming energies.
The energies in the past week of this gateway (that officially ends on August 12th) have been bringing in some intense energies that may have you feeling up and down like a seesaw. It’s due to the balancing effect of these energies. So if you feel exhausted and have been taken on an emotional roller coaster at times since the end of July…this is why. Our pendulum has been swinging between the state of the ego and the unconditional heart. Forgiveness has been a big theme for me these last 10 days and rightfully so. It’s time to cleanse and clear and let go of that which no longer serves us.
In conjunction with this gateway, I also discuss the pineal gland, one of our most important organs. Our pineal gland performs many important functions for our body. It’s also known as our 3rd Eye or the Seat of the Soul. It acts as a communication device with the higher realms and therefore is our spiritual gateway.
To learn more about the Lion’s Gate and how we can actually boost our transmission from our pineal gland to positively affect human consciousness as a collective, watch the video above.
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About the author: Nicole Frolick is an inspirational speaker and the author of Inflexible Me: Expanding Past the Inflexible Barriers of the Body, Mind, and Soul. She has an unconventional spiritual podcast called Enlighten Up, available in iTunes. Utilizing her Four Fundamentals of Flexibility, Nicole shares with her audiences the importance of flexibility in accessing the greatest potential of individuals and companies. She coaches those who desires to live life on their terms after hitting a ceiling on their perceived potential and wanting to break through it. If you’re looking to expand past your own blocks, you can email her at for more information. To learn more please visit