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Now Is The Time To Choose

By on December 5, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Now Is The Time To Choose

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing Writer,

I knew that things on Earth were pretty evil and severe to have this multitude of Lightworkers, Twin Flames, Star Seeds, Indigo Children etc… incarnate at this time. I began to understand the level of corruption within our government and World Leaders. I felt intuitively how the multitude of “illusions” were orchestrated globally against humanity. I was even psychically and emotionally attacked by the Darkside several times. They always chose to target me at my most vulnerable times during soul healing. I got attacked frequently while already “down” and drained.


But I always got back up. God gave me the strength to get up time and time again to keep fighting for the Light. I wanted to give up several times, but never did. I pushed myself through the pain and the fear… finally I reached the other side and am not affected by the negative energy or force like I was. It crippled me so much, but I’ve finally elevated passed the evil hold and grip that was weighing heavily on me.

This is the point of Ascension completely. It is to bring soul freedom to all of humanity as a whole. We have to heal and transmute all of our emotional, spiritual, psychological, physical baggage/dysfunction to elevate out of the fear based illusions and tactics of the Darkside. It does take time and it’s definitely not easy but completely necessary and required to elevate. Each soul will learn how to transmute, heal, and elevate in consciousness. This is the ultimate freedom. *The key* to receiving this blessing to start new and enter the realm of freedom through healing is by SELF LOVE. You have to love yourself unconditionally and know in your heart you are worthy of love and the infinite blessings available to you at every point and turn in your life. As you heal and let go of the old, you open yourself up to the NEW YOU that you have been waiting to discover and BE.

I will be honest and say that I was surprised to see the other piece of involvement in all of this with all of the celebrities; the music and production industry. Go further with this and tie it into Satanic worship and pedophilia. Now the corruption has gone full circle in my full comprehension of the situation of humanity, and why the Light forces were called and have volunteered to be here. As an Empath, I feel the celebrities pain and cry out for help. They too became desperate and taken advantage of at their most vulnerable stage of desiring acceptance and recognition. Once they entered this realm, it was to serve the dark or be killed. They were silenced also. So you can imagine the corner they were pushed up against. You could call it a “fatal” mistake. As humans, we all make mistakes.. but imagine one of this magnitude. Please send positive energy, love, and healing light to those needing us now and in the near future.

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I always talked about the “illusion” of this World created by the old controllers as I knew it to be at the time… but this goes much deeper than even I comprehended it to be. It is pretty clever indeed and I can see how the unawakened mass of humanity blindly went about their day, fighting for this cause and that cause but never understanding that they were, have, and will continue to fight no one but themselves in the long run. We are spinning in circles, but getting no where doing it. It also makes sense to the dark elite to divide the people and then create competition between them. Whatever the cause is, the list is endless: from religion, politics, financial successors, business, pharmaceutical, medical, government, State and Country, ambassadors, sporting events, technology, media reporting, fame and fortune, … and I could go on with this list of purposeful division of the people.

This is the time for all of us to recognize the magnitude of these false illusions and come together in unity, not separation. Now is the time to choose to love yourself and heal yourself as the sovereign being that you are. It is the time to grab your neighbor’s hand in unity and decide that our voice as ONE is benevolent and has the ability to change this world and make it a better place. For not only us, but to give this magnificent opportunity of freedom to our children who are currently walking in our footsteps and will continue on to be the future leaders. We want to hand them the baton to continue greatness and success worth celebrating. They will continue this bridge of Heaven upon the Earth energy. They have been born to do so. We have been decreed to first pave the way. And we are…

Thank you blessed souls for following your destiny and for choosing to beat the odds. You are truly the Masculine and Feminine Warriors of the heart and soul. Keep going. Keep blazing this trail of LOVE and never look back.


You are amazing!!

Your soul shines bright for all to see.

Forever and ever.

~Adeana M. Slater

About the author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath, Lightworker, and Twin Flame who enjoys to write spiritual and inspirational articles in her free time to encourage the collective towards self love, soul empowerment, and higher consciousness.

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