Search Results for '"by Christina Sarich"'

The Purpose Of Mass Meditation And Why You Should Choose It Now
If you have the opportunity to be part of a mass meditation for humanity, please participate! Please join us in a simple 20 minute meditation that will occur simultaneously worldwide at the exact time of Jupiter – Saturn conjunction on Monday, December 21st, at 6:22 pm UTC.

Former CIA Director Talks About Weather Manipulation And Chemtrails At CFR Conference
Resigned CIA Director John Brennan talked about geoengineering (manipulating global weather) through Chemtrails at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Conference. Proponents of chemtrails believe that spraying aluminum, barium, strontium, etc… in the stratosphere, sun’s rays will reflect the sun’s rays in order reduce global warming.

Why Higher Beings And ETs Don’t Allow Nuclear War
by Christina Sarich, TheMindUnleashed There are multiple indications that aliens traveling in unidentified flying craft have tried to save us from our shadow government’s call to arms – specifically nuclear weaponry. Since 1948 military pilots, and boots-on-the-ground personnel at various military installations have observed nuclear plants being shut down, and nuclear weapons being decommissioned against government […]

SLOW KILL – Why Are The Controllers Poisoning Us? Part II: Air
Our water, air, and food supplies are all being poisoned as the eugenics train moves forward. Why are the controllers poisoning us and what can we do about it? by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, “When your earnings are exhausted on food and shelter, your labors are no longer viewed as an […]

SLOW KILL – Why Are The Controllers Poisoning Us?
Our water, air, and food supplies are all being poisoned as the eugenics train moves forward. Why are the controllers poisoning us and what can we do about it? check out Part 2: SLOW KILL – Why Are The Controllers Poisoning Us? Part II: Air by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, “When […]

The Sonic Heart Brain Resonance Pattern: Proof of Our Power to Create Peace
In this chaotic, cabal-driven world, what can we do to affect change? This is no prosaic question. It is not the hackneyed, predictable call of the flower child, or the exclusive right of the Harvard graduate in neuroscience. While the .01 percent will have us believe there is nothing we can do to make this world a better place, scientific evidence proves that peace is not only possible, but palpably, physically easy to manifest.

What Happens To People Who Meditate For The First Time
by Christina Sarich, There have been numerous studies detailing what happens to the brain in long-term meditators, but what exactly happens to people who meditate for the first time? Sara Lazar, a Harvard researcher, has gained quite some notoriety detailing how the brain actually grows grey matter when people meditate. Other studies have shown that […]

Irrefutable Scientific Evidence That We Are All One
I will start this article with the definition of an isolated system: implies a system that does not interact with the other systems of its environment in any way. Now I ask: Does an isolated system exist?

The Mind Blowing Power Of Mantra
by Christina Sarich, Mantra yoga goes hand in hand with the Vedic sciences as well as Tantra, but it has been practiced in many forms by multiple cultures throughout the world. Gregorian chants are also a form of mantra, meant to elevate the consciousness. The Vedas (Rig Veda, etc.) themselves are mantras, and those who […]