In5D Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

In5D Quantum Tie Dye

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Tag: 20/20

Global Weekly Psychic Predictions July 25-August 2, 2020

Global Weekly Psychic Predictions July 25-August 2, 2020

Alison Janes and Gregg Prescott talk about current global psychic issues for the upcoming week and beyond. Alison Janes and Gregg Prescott talk about Global Weekly Psychic Predictions for the upcoming week and beyond.

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Sacred Passageway Of 12-12, 12-21, & 2020

Sacred Passageway Of 12-12, 12-21, & 2020

By on December 12, 2019 in Energy Updates with 0 Comments

What a beautiful and sacred passageway that we are in. The Christed energies are flowing in strong as we are in the 12-12 gateway, the Solstice on 12-21, and the higher timelines of 2020.

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Is Open-Eye Sungazing Safe?

Is Open-Eye Sungazing Safe?

By on September 21, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Now this is a question that has and likely will always cause debate and disagreement. Mainstream science and medicine has always asserted that looking at the sun with open eyes will make you “go blind,” or at best cause damage to your eyes which is bound to cause vision loss from macular degeneration. Even my mother who is a well-respected ophthalmologist holds on to this belief and has always hassled me for my sungazing habits.

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Forgiveness As The Ultimate Act Of Self-Love!

Forgiveness As The Ultimate Act Of Self-Love!

By on May 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Forgiveness can be a really sticky issue. Everyone knows it is “blessed” to forgive, yet most of us secretly—or not-so-secretly— harbor grudges, carry resentments, relive betrayals, and plot revenge, if only in our fantasies. After all, we “earned” those stripes through our own pain and anguish.

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Improve Your Eyesight Naturally Without Glasses

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally Without Glasses

By on March 27, 2015 in Health

Take this eye exam test – cover your eye with one hand and go down the chart until you can’t read the letters anymore:

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