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Tag: 3D consciousness

2017 Offers A Time Of Transition And Momentum Both Globally And Personally

2017 Offers A Time Of Transition And Momentum Both Globally And Personally

By on January 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Jelelle Awen, Contributing Writer, Connecting to the energy frequencies of 2017 as a vibration brings up a sense of unknown, changes, transition….a sense of continual global, planetary, and personal awakenings and ascensions. ‘A time of transition’ sums it up most succinctly even as it leaves open Infinite Possibilities, both challenging and deeply, deeply nourishing. […]

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Holding Space For Yourself During These Transitional Times Of Intense Energies

Holding Space For Yourself During These Transitional Times Of Intense Energies

By on December 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

It is a time of intense energies as waves of light are washing over Gaia from the sun, from star being friends, from portals and star gates activating both from within and with-out. These energies are illuminating shadow places inside of us as a collective and individually.

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5th Dimensional Consciousness – 3D Does Not Change, It Is A Dimension

5th Dimensional Consciousness – 3D Does Not Change, It Is A Dimension

By on December 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

3D is a DIMENSION of consciousness and will continue to exist, for those at the level in this Earth SCHOOL, that still need (as part of theirs Souls journey) to go through initiations and experiences, that ONLY exist in 3D.

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6 Keys To Successfully Making The Shift To The New Earth

6 Keys To Successfully Making The Shift To The New Earth

By on August 12, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Look around. The great shift in the consciousness of humanity has hit critical mass and passed the point of no return. It’s been building slowly but surely, and now it’s about to kick into high gear. The next decade or so will be a period of enormous change and perhaps more than a little turbulence. Think of this as the process of humanity going into labor as it begins to birth a new earth reality.

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