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Tag: activated

5 Steps To Shift From Fear To Love

5 Steps To Shift From Fear To Love

By on May 13, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Love is a vibration, a frequency. Everything we are is vibration, frequency. Our cells, atoms and quarks, the tiniest particles that make up our being, vibrate. Everything is vibrating from micro to macro, the cosmos is ever expanding, never still, always moving. The spectrum of vibratory experience is quantum, not linear.

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Integrating New Energies And Frequencies

Integrating New Energies And Frequencies

By on October 28, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Lisa Brown, Your body is trying to PROCESS a large amount of information/energy through it, to decipher, to make sense, to correlate the information it is receiving and “it’s too much” to handle, in that moment. In the beginning, with carbon based human bodies, this was emotions and discordant thoughts. The body goes into […]

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Now Is The Time To Arise, Awakened

Now Is The Time To Arise, Awakened

By on October 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Deep within the recesses of your cellular consciousness are the codes of Light, when activated at the Blueprint Level, awaken deep profound shifts in your consciousness.

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26 Psychic Abilities Of Star Children

26 Psychic Abilities Of Star Children

By on September 12, 2015 in Indigos with 0 Comments

As cosmic energies bathe the planet in ever increasing waves of higher consciousness, our DNA is being activated or returned to its perfection. Psychic abilities that have been dormant for thousands of years are currently being activated.

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Benefits of Activated Charcoal: Medicine of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans

Benefits of Activated Charcoal: Medicine of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans

By on February 8, 2015 in Health with 0 Comments

Eating activated charcoal sounds about as appetizing as scarfing down some black, charred remains of a Saturday BBQ, but activated charcoal is a whole other animal. Activated Charcoal is used as a detox agent to absorb a host of heavy metals, chemicals, and pharmaceutical drug remains that flow through your blood stream and cause a hindrance to your best health. Activated charcoal absorbs the toxins from your body and then, since it is not absorbed by the body, the toxins along with the charcoal are expelled, leaving you cleaner and more toxin-free.

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