Tag: alan watts
Ayahuasca Awakening
I had been learning about ayahuasca and knew one day I would drink it. My plan was to go to the Amazon and pay for a retreat, not knowing any other way to attend a ceremony. I didn’t exactly know when I would go, but I knew I had to eventually.
Alan Watts – How To Not Be Killed By Death
When I heard this lecture, I understood how you can not be a victim of jealousy to other people if you stick with doing what you want. For example, if I would chose the career of a project manager because of the money, I would always be jealous of the lawyers earning more than me. But, if I were to chose a life making films like these, which is what I really want, I could never be jealous of the lawyers and their money, because they’re doing something I would not be happy doing. I’m already satisfied.
Alan Watts – Why Your Life Is Not A Journey
Philosopher Alan Watts explains why the way of looking at your life as a journey can be the most destructive way in this inspiring video. This inspiring video on “Why Your Life Is Not A Journey” will change your perspective about life!
100 Best Zen Sayings And Proverbs Of All Time
by TheUnboundedSpirit I’ve always loved the religious philosophy of Zen Buddhism, for many reasons, and one of those reasons is that just by speaking a few words, Zen masters are able to transmit tremendously important messages that are of immense value to all seekers on the path to spiritual awakening. Here you will find for yourself […]
The Secret to Becoming Psychic
Throughout my life’s journey I have often searched for way to be more psychic and more in touch with the powers that lay within us all. I figure if one person can do something extraordinary then it is within our grasp.