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Tag: annunaki

Starseeds And Our Human Origins

Starseeds And Our Human Origins

What is a starseed?  Better yet, who is a star seed?  If you trace the origins of human lineage, you end up with a plethora of questions. We were seeded here from various star nations.  In this premise, genetic and ethnic diversity is explained.  It also covers the differences in our blood types, such as Rh negative, Rh positive, A, B, AB and O blood types. 

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Anunnaki Message Published In UFO Magazine in 1958!

Anunnaki Message Published In UFO Magazine in 1958!

By on June 10, 2019 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

A message from the Anunnaki – MANKIND IN AMNESIA (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)

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8 Reptilian Traits In Human Beings

8 Reptilian Traits In Human Beings

By on November 1, 2018 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

The following are reptilian traits in human beings. You may recognize a few of them in you or someone you know. Please keep in mind that these are simply TRAITS and being part Reptilian DOES NOT make you a bad person as there are good and bad people of all galactic (and planetary) races.

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ET’s Are Helping With Dimensional Shift

ET’s Are Helping With Dimensional Shift

By on October 29, 2018 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

James Gilliland stated the Anunnaki, along with other benevolent higher dimensional beings and the Council of 12, are working in unison to bring our civilization and planet into higher states of consciousness.

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20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School!

20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School!

By on October 28, 2018 in Awareness with 119 Comments

In school, we were never taught these 20 history questions, nor did we receive the answers to any of these questions.

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BLOODLINES: Let US Make Man In OUR Image – Who Is ‘US’ And ‘OUR’?

BLOODLINES: Let US Make Man In OUR Image – Who Is ‘US’ And ‘OUR’?

Have you ever wondered who ‘us’ and ‘our’ refers to in Genesis 1:26 when it says, ‘And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’? The answer might surprise you…

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The False Ascension Matrix – How Does It Affect You?

The False Ascension Matrix – How Does It Affect You?

By on December 8, 2016 in Exiting The Matrix

by Karen AnTara, Contributing Writer, What is your understanding of the 4D Astral Plane? Are you connected to it?  If so, are you aware of its effects on you? Are you aware of the 5th dimension (5D), and what’s happening there? If you’re on any form of ascension path and you’re not aware that 4D […]

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Suppressed History Of The Anunnaki

Suppressed History Of The Anunnaki

By on October 22, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

Our history is not what we think! Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered, and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left our many things that we cannot explain.

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The Alien Tampering Of Human DNA

The Alien Tampering Of Human DNA

By on September 1, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

Erich von Daniken, Giorgio Tsoukalos, David Wilcock, Jason Martell, William Bramley and George Noory discuss the possibility of our DNA being manipulated by aliens. How did the races on Earth come to be. Was man genetically manipulated in the past by an alien race of beings? The Sumerians called their gods the Anunnaki, those who […]

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Is Lucifer The Same Entity As The Anunnaki’s Enki?

Is Lucifer The Same Entity As The Anunnaki’s Enki?

By on May 28, 2015 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

In the Freudian sense, Lucifer is the Self rebelling against the Super Ego—the psychic faculty analogous to the judging and condemning ‘father figure,’ both internally and externally—for the sake of empowering the Ego Ideal—the psychic faculty analogous with the rewarding and benevolent ‘mother figure.’

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Past Life Research With “Chosen Ones” Reveals Matrix

Past Life Research With “Chosen Ones” Reveals Matrix

By on April 10, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

by Truman L. Cash Guest writer, A “chosen one” is an individual who is contacted and abducted by extra-terrestrials repeatedly from lifetime to lifetime. “Chosen ones” are sometimes placed in high-level positions in governments, secret societies and religions. The term “chosen one” is a term that the ETs themselves use both to flatter and […]

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The 14 Tablets Of Enki The Anunnaki

The 14 Tablets Of Enki The Anunnaki

By on February 10, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

You may want to bookmark this page for future reference. Included is a series of fascinating videos that you may consider listening to when you go to bed. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Try to learn the valuable lessons from these tablets so we can prevent this current paradigm […]

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Who Are The Anunnaki?

Who Are The Anunnaki?

By on January 27, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S Are the Anunnaki real? Are they aliens? Or are they part of a bigger picture? The “Anunnaki” are the major players in a paradigm making its way into popular folklore, via the work of the late Zecharia Sitchin, an economist by education and profession, and the author of several best-selling books, including […]

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Parallels Between The Hopi Indians, The Sumerians, And The Hopi Prophecies

Parallels Between The Hopi Indians, The Sumerians, And The Hopi Prophecies

By on January 13, 2015 in Prophecy

How is it possible for two cultures seperated by distance and language barriers to have so many prophetic similarities? by Robert Morningsky The Hopi believe the Creator of Man is a woman. The Sumerians believed the Creator of Man was a woman. The Hopi believe the Father Creator is KA. The Sumerians believed the Father […]

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Pentagon Secret – The Anunnaki Are Returning

Pentagon Secret – The Anunnaki Are Returning

By on January 4, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, The Anunnaki may be returning to Earth according to one recent interview from a man with insider Pentagon sources. According to Stan Deyo, the buzzword around the Pentagon is that the Sumerian Gods are returning back to Earth. Anunnaki Ties to Comets ISON and Encke With […]

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