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Tag: ascension flu

Summer Solstice – Intense Vibrational Energy Waves

Summer Solstice – Intense Vibrational Energy Waves

By on June 21, 2019 in Energy Updates with 0 Comments

by Alex Myles, Summer Solstice – Intense Vibrational Energy Waves The June summer solstice is an astronomical event that marks the first official day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and it is also the day that the sun reaches its most Northern point in the sky. The word solstice generates from the Latin word […]

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30 Signs That You Are Wired Differently Than “Normal” People

30 Signs That You Are Wired Differently Than “Normal” People

Do you feel like you are wired differently than most people? At times, do you feel like you don’t “fit in” on this planet? Did you ever wonder why things feel so differently to you, but not to other people? Have you noticed strange anomalies within yourself that the general population doesn’t seem to experience? This article might help you to understand WHY.

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Mandela Effects, Ascension Flu, Nothing but LOVE is REAL! In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep #14

Mandela Effects, Ascension Flu, Nothing but LOVE is REAL! In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep #14

By on January 9, 2018 in In5D Live

In5D Founder Gregg Prescott talks about the Mandela Effects, Ascension Flu, and the nature of our own “reality”.

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Ascension Symptoms: Spring 2016

Ascension Symptoms: Spring 2016

By on April 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

If you have been feeling less-than-stellar lately but can’t identify the cause, chances are you’ve got ‘ascension flu’. Despite the name, this doesn’t mean that you’re sick. Ascension flu has similar symptoms to the real flu, but the cause is not viral. It means you are experiencing physical sensations in your body due to the shifting frequencies of our planet and our collective consciousness.

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