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Tag: ascension wave

Current Energies And Symptoms For The Different Ascension Waves

Current Energies And Symptoms For The Different Ascension Waves

By on January 22, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Since the beginning of 2017, we are experiencing very new energy frequencies. Something that has never been here before. To be precise, it already started building up on December 18 and continuously increased, with shorter breaks in between. These new energies come directly from the Central Sun, the Cosmic Heart, the ultimate zero point. Depending on where people are at in their journey and what Ascension Wave they are in, the perception and experience of these energies can be very different.

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James Gililland – Ascension Wave, Transdimensional War, Days To Come

James Gililland – Ascension Wave, Transdimensional War, Days To Come

By on December 24, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet. It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is. It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much awaited.

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