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Tag: astrals

ENERGY UPDATE – A Mixture Of Energies

ENERGY UPDATE – A Mixture Of Energies

By on March 3, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Energy Update – Where are we at now? A MIXTURE of Energies/Information/Insights/Stepping up and into our MASTERSHIP; Pt 3 of Timeline jumping, doors opening and old closing This is a mixture of energies/information update. Due to so much going on with the ‘closing doors of the old’ – as this […]

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ENERGY UPDATE – Don’t Give Up Just Before The Miracle

ENERGY UPDATE – Don’t Give Up Just Before The Miracle

By on February 14, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Energies pushing ‘old ways’ and addictions up that feel ‘real’ and current/Don’t give up just before the ‘miracle’ The last 48hrs has been an intense non-stop flow of releasing that which was suppressed, that we were not aware of. Energies pushing ‘old ways’ and addictions up that feel ‘real’ and […]

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ENERGY UPDATE – Super-Charged Energy Wave Coming Through

ENERGY UPDATE – Super-Charged Energy Wave Coming Through

By on January 18, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Woah, Super Charged energy wave coming through as I write this! So many options and alternatives of what we may have ‘wanted’ to do in the past is being cleared of the old right now. To ‘free’ us up, to help us to move forward and through old past ‘blocks’ […]

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ENERGY UPDATE – Bringing Our Energy Back In

ENERGY UPDATE – Bringing Our Energy Back In

By on January 16, 2017 in Energy Updates

For those transmuters/empaths who pick up on others ‘naturally’, this takes ‘things’ to a whole other level of how one needs to operate or live. As due to going through so much recently, our energy has been ‘out’…to do all we needed to and experience all we needed to.

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Energy Update – Old ‘Stuff’ Coming Through From Others – Owning Our New Empowerment

Energy Update – Old ‘Stuff’ Coming Through From Others – Owning Our New Empowerment

By on December 27, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Contributing Writer, In the last two days there has been many astral energy ‘attacks’ on souls, with others from past family connections (as in past of where we are at) that/who are releasing and not dealing with what is coming up and going on for them. By way of ‘projecting’ what is coming […]

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Energy Update – New Grid Being Formed Right Now

Energy Update – New Grid Being Formed Right Now

By on October 20, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, We are part of and currently in a new grid forming ‘above’. Part one/second series shared when I was taken ‘up’ as I saw beings and a table with a new grid being formed on it. I was one of many who ‘watched’ our planet being formed, and I am linked to humanities […]

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Energy Update – Full Moon Of October 16th Was A Very Significant Turning Point

Energy Update – Full Moon Of October 16th Was A Very Significant Turning Point

By on October 18, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, When it comes time for me to go away, as I do from time to time to feel and process what is going on, we know something big is going on, Humanity wise. I am on day two of my ‘time away’ and much is going on. I was taken above and saw […]

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