Tag: Astronomy

Carl Jung Astrology Quotes
Many people recognize Carl Jung as one of the founding fathers of psychology, but did you know he also had a fascination about astrology?

PI In The Sky; We Are All The Children Of Mathematics
by Michael Feeley, Contributing Writer,In5D.com The great mathematician Pythagoras once stated that “All Is Number” and I am going to touch upon what he meant by this in this article and also what he meant in other quotes such as in order to reach the higher realms and connect with the divine we need to […]

Starseed Characteristics
1) An aversion to bright unnatural lighting, yet solace found in natural sunlight. 2) An aversion to reptiles, amphibians, and snakes. [Reptilian seeds often are obsessively attracted to these however] 3) Sensitivity to extreme hot or cold. 4) An extreme sensitivity to pain. 5) A feeling of being very different from most others. 6) A […]

High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos Observed At The Geographic South Pole
A team of international experts has announced a new observation of high-energy neutrino particles using an instrument funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The particles from beyond our galaxy have been detected at the geographic South Pole, using a massive instrument buried deep in ice.

Astronomy 101 – Introduction to Stargazing
Many of us watch the night skies, but what is it we are really seeing? The following information should help to give you a better grasp of the constellations you can view at night when stargazing.

The Future of Education – A School You Would WANT To Attend!
by Michelle Walling, CHLC and Gregg Prescott, M.S. If you had a chance to vote on what subjects of study our children would have in schools on the New Earth, what would they be? A balance of true galactic history, social interaction, math, and various artistic creative outlets seems to be a good mix. Whether […]

This New Experiment May Answer The Question, ‘Do We Live In A Hologram?’
The Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is completing a unique experiment called the Holometer which has recently started collecting data to answer some mind-bending questions about our universe–including whether we live in a hologram.

Bill Donahue – Astrology In The Bible
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Bill Donahue completely outlines how astrology is not only the basis for the Christian bible, but for all religions. The following are examples from Bill Donahue: Luke 22:10 Jesus talks about where we may meet with him in order to take part of the Passover supper: […]