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Tag: awake

Awakening The Third Eye – Be Careful What You Wish For

Awakening The Third Eye – Be Careful What You Wish For

By on August 18, 2018 in Awareness, Enlightening Articles, Meditation with 0 Comments

Have you ever heard the expression, ‘Be careful what you wish for’? For some people, the opening of the third eye can show them things that they really didn’t want to see.  For others, it’s a journey of enlightenment. If you are sure that this is something you want to do, then please read on.

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Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You

Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You

By on August 25, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We become what we think about all day long.  What thoughts do you have that inhibit you from feeling as if you’re on purpose in your life? For instance, if you think that you’re separate from your pur­pose and that you’re drifting without direction through your life, then that’s precisely what you’ll attract.

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The Three Aspects Of Master Manifestation

The Three Aspects Of Master Manifestation

By on August 21, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Inelia Benz, In 2006 something radical changed in the human collective consciousness. This radical thing was that the word, and concept, of “manifestation” became known and “normal” in Western culture. The reason was the book and movie “The Secret”, by Rhonda Byrne, which became an overnight sensation. Millions of people started doing the “manifestation […]

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Quiz Yourself! 28 Signs You Are Awakening

Quiz Yourself! 28 Signs You Are Awakening

By on January 13, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

1) Moving into a better job that supports the expression of who you are, your passion or your mission, which are basically the same. 2) Greater financial abundance as you’ve never quite experienced before. 3) Most of your dreams come true and easily. 4) You attract a new mate/partner or you and your current partner […]

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