Tag: benefits

Celery Juice: 10 Health Benefits – Medical Medium
Juicing Celery: After having a heart attack in September of 2019, I realized that it’s time to go even deeper regarding my health. I always tried to eat as healthy as possible, but I was still eating meat, albeit organic meat. My health was dictating a change. While I couldn’t afford this juicer brand new (I bought a used one), I also couldn’t afford NOT to have it, health-wise.

6 Ways To Talk To People Who Just Don’t Get It!
Are you tired of trying to reach people who just don’t get it? Here are six ways to help you start up a spiritual conversation with just about anyone!

Trataka And The Amazing Benefits Of Candle Gazing
The practice of candle gazing has a number of amazing benefits, including opening up your 3rd eye (pineal gland), improved eyesight, focus, concentration and much more!

The Amazing Healing Benefits of Gratitude
by Kimberly Snyder If you’re alive and reading this, you have something to be grateful for. That’s great news! This post will give you support in practicing gratitude on a regular basis, so you can better heal yourself, while lowering stress and anxiety, enhancing your sleep, and improving your relationships. The Healing Benefits of Gratitude […]

Interpreting Edgar Cayce’s Failed Predictions
While many of Edgar Cayce’s predictions have come to fruition, some of his more recent predictions have not, such as the United States being divided by the Mississippi River due to flooding and Armageddon in 1999.

Henry Ford’s Suppressed Hemp Car
We might think that our ethanol and biodiesel “flex-fuel” systems are all very cutting edge, but biofuel development is of course nothing new. Way back in the 1930’s, Henry Ford was hard at work in the alt-fuels sector, and in 1941 he constructed a hemp-fueled and hemp-bodied prototype car. The “plastic” body panels were composed of 70% cellulose fibers, including industrial hemp, mixed with a resin binder, and apparently they were pretty sturdy.

Benefits Of Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps
Himalayan Salt Lamps are carved out of the Himalayan salt mines. They are natural negative ionizers and dehumidifiers. The air around us is filled with electrically charged particles. Positively or negatively charged, they are called ions, continually occurring in the atmosphere. They must be kept in balance.

What Himalayan Salt Lamps Can Do for Your Health
by AlternativeDaily One side effect of our modern lifestyle is the often-poor quality of our indoor air. Our indoor air quality is affected by allergens, chemical residues from conventional cleaning products, and the large amount of electronics that we use in our homes, often at the same time. According to leading health expert Dr. Joseph […]

100 Benefits Of Meditation
Did you know that people who meditate for a short time each day are much happier than people who don’t? This is just one of many meditation benefits!

How To Overcome The 6 Biggest Obstacles To Meditation
I’ve struggled with meditation most of my life. Over a span of 15 years, I purchased meditation CD’s, attended meditation classes and read books on meditation, yet was still unable to incorporate it into my daily life. The meditation CD’s usually put me to sleep and the classes and books made me feel like a failure! In fact, my first meditation was quite painful and always felt like I was too busy to meditate!

The Many Real Benefits Of Reconnecting With Nature
by Susan Patterson There is something incredibly therapeutic about a walk on the beach, a stroll through the woods or a climb to the top of a mountain. With all senses engaging the fresh air, sunshine and natural beauty of nature, both the mind and body become refreshed. These “good feelings” that come with being […]

Benefits of Activated Charcoal: Medicine of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans
Eating activated charcoal sounds about as appetizing as scarfing down some black, charred remains of a Saturday BBQ, but activated charcoal is a whole other animal. Activated Charcoal is used as a detox agent to absorb a host of heavy metals, chemicals, and pharmaceutical drug remains that flow through your blood stream and cause a hindrance to your best health. Activated charcoal absorbs the toxins from your body and then, since it is not absorbed by the body, the toxins along with the charcoal are expelled, leaving you cleaner and more toxin-free.

28 Amazing Benefits and Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation! Hydrogen peroxide is considered the worlds safest all natural effective sanitizer.