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Tag: body vibrations

What Is An Out Of Body Experience (OBE)?

What Is An Out Of Body Experience (OBE)?

By on December 22, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

The out of body experience (OBE) is the experience of moving away from the body so it is difficult for the scientists to record these experiences easily and measure their results because they are subjective. As a result scientists can study these cases indirectly by examining records of people who have had an OBE. Out-of-body […]

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Dealing With Ascension Symptoms

Dealing With Ascension Symptoms

By on April 25, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As you mutate, all of these things are being thrown up by your DNA. You do not have them inside of you because you did something wrong. When things have been coming up from the deep places within you and have not felt good, it is not because you are doing anything wrong.

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Ascension Symptoms: Out Of Body Experiences

Ascension Symptoms: Out Of Body Experiences

By on April 22, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

There will be more out-of-body experiences as cellular transformation occurs. This experience will also be accepted more by the public in general. It will be accomplished by more people and the experience will become more popular and will become more fun as more people experience it. More out-of body experiences have already been increasing for many as there is a thinning in the veil.

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Ascension Symptoms: Body Vibrations

Ascension Symptoms: Body Vibrations

By on April 22, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Some people are experiencing a vibration in their solar plexus from time to time. They have noticed this vibration increasingly for the past several months. This is part of the changes occurring during cellular transformation. The earth also is experiencing a vibration from time to time.

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