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Tag: car

Henry Ford’s Suppressed Hemp Car

Henry Ford’s Suppressed Hemp Car

By on September 7, 2015 in Awareness

We might think that our ethanol and biodiesel “flex-fuel” systems are all very cutting edge, but biofuel development is of course nothing new. Way back in the 1930’s, Henry Ford was hard at work in the alt-fuels sector, and in 1941 he constructed a hemp-fueled and hemp-bodied prototype car. The “plastic” body panels were composed of 70% cellulose fibers, including industrial hemp, mixed with a resin binder, and apparently they were pretty sturdy.

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Top 40 Dream Symbols, Interpretations, And Their Metaphysical Meanings

Top 40 Dream Symbols, Interpretations, And Their Metaphysical Meanings

The following are the Top 40 dream symbols and their metaphysical meanings in alphabetical order. Please keep in mind that each dream symbol could have dozens of variants and alternative meanings.

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Our Next Stage Of Spiritual Evolution: Luminous v. 1.0

Our Next Stage Of Spiritual Evolution: Luminous v. 1.0

By on February 17, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Imagine if our planet didn’t have walls and boundaries that separate us?  Imagine replacing all governments with a tribunal of elders who worked in the best interests of humanity?  THIS is the “New World Order” that needs to be implemented.

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The 18 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever

The 18 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever

By on January 31, 2013 in Awareness, Science

Imagine what our society would be like if only 1 or 2 of these inventions weren’t suppressed? Throughout history there have been countless attempts to discourage new technologies only to protect other people’s self-interests. Below are some of the most suppressed inventions ever. The Original Electric Car: Unplugged? Perhaps the most notorious suppressed invention is […]

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