In5D Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

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Tag: Cherokee

10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals, Or Wormholes

10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals, Or Wormholes

By on June 6, 2016 in Science, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

NASA has announced that “portals” do indeed appear to be hidden within the Earth’s magnetic field, making some wonder if the legends of stargates, portals, and wormholes may have some degree of truth to them.

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12 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure EVERYTHING

12 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure EVERYTHING

By on May 1, 2016 in Health with 0 Comments

Many of these 12 plants that the Native Americans used to cure everything can be found or grown in your backyard!

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Everything Is Backwards!

Everything Is Backwards!

By on February 2, 2015 in Awareness, Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

It’s become painfully obvious… We’ve been getting played out for a long, long time; manipulated into the illusion of separation. We’re deviating from our essence of love, succumbing to fear, allowing ourselves to get dragged into senseless conflict and destroying our beautiful planet.

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