Tag: Christian

Esoteric Meaning Of Christmas And The Winter Solstice
While people argue over ethnic sensitivity issues between saying “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays”, the truth dates back much further than its Christian beginnings. The intent of Christmas seems to be the overriding value behind its true, esoteric meaning or its Pagan origin. A symbol or celebration is only as powerful as the intent behind it. While Christmas has become the biggest holiday that supports the corporate world which in turn, lobbies against our civil rights, it also is a time of giving and being with family.

3rd Dimensional Binding Ropes That Keep Us From Reaching 5D
Controls, duality and separation are fully understood by people who are slowly awakening, but those whose consciousness are bound by enjoyment and trials of the affairs of the third dimension, 3D, keeps them stuck, unknowing heart and soul in deep slumber, with amnesia.

The Secret Story Never Told
Writer’s name withheld by request, In5D.com It’s been hidden from mankind forever and great lengths are still taken to keep it hidden from us. This is the story of a journey that something inside of your body makes every month. And once this happens to you, awareness, and comprehension are increased a thousand fold. This […]

How To Overcome Sleep Paralysis
Since the age of 21, I suffered from episodes of Sleep Paralysis. Without going into much detail, Sleep Paralysis is most often the feeling of an evil presence and/or hallucinations accompanied by an inability to physically move at the onset of sleep.

Age Of Aquarius and 5th Dimension Trivia
Check out some fun trivia about the Age of Aquarius and the 5th Dimension! For example, it is quite ironic that the name of the band that sang “Aquarius” is named “The 5th Dimension” as many people believe that this is our next level of spiritual vibration. Read on!

The Psychology Of Control Freaks
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Why do people feel the need to control others and what lessons can we learn from both sides of this dilemma? Controlling people generally fall into the Type A personality classification. These people are controlling, very competitive, self-critical, experience a constant sense of urgency, can be […]

The Ancient Pagan Origins of Easter
by April Holloway Ancient Origins Easter Sunday is a festival and holiday celebrated by millions of people around the world who honor the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred three days after his crucifixion at Calvary. It is also the day that children excitedly wait for the […]

The Truth About Easter And The Secret Worship Of The Anunnaki
The following article is based on J. R. Terrier’s book “The Easter Celebration – History of Its Hidden Origins“. Easter is an annual celebration observed throughout the Christian world. However, there are absolutely no verses in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of this tradition. Further – the Bible does not mention anything about […]

The Girl Who Could Recall 10 Past Lives
Reincarnation is actually a very widely held belief in the world…but this girl claims to have remembered her previous ten lives. Could someone actually recall the past ten lives that they had? From the time Joey Verwey was just three years old, she was telling her family amazing stories that she was able to remember from her previous ten reincarnations. Stories that were so unusual and detailed, there was no way that she could have learned them on her own.

Who Are The Nephilim and Elohim?
The Nephilim were the offspring of the ‘sons of God’ and the ‘daughters of men’ according to Genesis 6:4; and giants who inhabited Canaan according to Numbers 13:33. A similar biblical Hebrew word with different vowel-sounds is used in Ezekiel 32:27 to refer to dead Philistine warriors.

Lessons Learned From a Near Death Experience
The following is a summary of Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s near death experience, excerpted from the book, “The Near-Death Experience: A Reader” by Lee W. Bailey:

What Happens In Meditations After Kundalini And Third Eye Activation
Many forms of meditations are offered these days all targeted towards achieving the same exact thing: connecting to Source and our True Selves. I’ve been meditating steadily for about 5 years now; experimenting with different ways and styles. About a year ago through the teachings of one of the great present day masters I learned specific pineal gland and Kundalini activation technique that took my whole meditation experience to an entirely different level.

The Misunderstood Lucifer
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com When someone mentions Lucifer, it usually has a nefarious connotation, but who really is this ‘bearer of light’? History teaches us that Christianity was not founded by Yeshua ben Yosef (Jesus), but rather by Paul. Also, he never really met Jesus, just claimed to have. Paul […]
Will A Gateway Be Opened When The Arch From The Temple Of Baal Is Reconstructed In Times Square?
by Michael Snyder, In April, part of the Temple of Baal that stood in Palmyra, Syria will be reconstructed in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London. The specific portion that is being erected in both cases is the 48-foot-tall arch that stood at the entrance to the temple. The […]
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