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Tag: Corey Goode

Supernatural Event Coming Soon!

Supernatural Event Coming Soon!

By on May 21, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S., Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, As a visionary, I receive messages through my dreams, 3rd eye, and often times, directly from Source. In the past, I’ve spoken about a dream where I saw 3 massive tidal waves that will arrive which are basically waves of transformational energy, not water.  It’s not […]

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Update: Giants, Final Battles For Planetary Freedom, And The Deaths Of David Rockefeller & Nathaniel Rothschild

Update: Giants, Final Battles For Planetary Freedom, And The Deaths Of David Rockefeller & Nathaniel Rothschild

By on December 23, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Shem El-Jamal, Via Event Chronicle This update from Kent Dunn and Gary Larrabee may be among the most bizarre accounts we will hear on the subject of world events. The details within this interview range from what we may consider normal to situations which sound as though they come right out of a page-turning […]

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Bashar – The Fall Of 2016, A Time Of High Acceleration And High Manifestation

Bashar – The Fall Of 2016, A Time Of High Acceleration And High Manifestation

By on November 22, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In this video, Bashar talks about galactic and planetary changes beginning in the Fall of 2016.

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Metatron’s Lesson: Love Versus Fear And Ascension

Metatron’s Lesson: Love Versus Fear And Ascension

By on November 20, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

The Unites States has just endured one of most polarizing elections in modern history. The reverberations from this election are likely far from over. And just like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, duality, in all of its fading 3D glory, is raising its young head and begging for attention.

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Cosmic Disclosure Behind The Scenes: A Day With David Wilcock And Corey Goode

Cosmic Disclosure Behind The Scenes: A Day With David Wilcock And Corey Goode

By on September 9, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A look into a “Going to record episodes of Cosmic Disclosure” day with David and Corey. Personally, I like these “not on air” videos (prior video by Corey is Here, as they illustrate that DW and CG are indeed human beings… sometimes wonderfully “strange” one, at that.

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Approaching A New Earth: The Fall Of The Cabal

Approaching A New Earth: The Fall Of The Cabal

By on April 29, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

David Wilcock recently released a new article about the cabal’s inevitable demise, and as usual, it’s packed with information about the ‘cosmic drama’ as he calls it, that we’re going through.

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In5D Radio – Corey Goode – Inside The Sphere Being Alliance

In5D Radio – Corey Goode – Inside The Sphere Being Alliance

By on September 22, 2015 in In5D Radio

On Monday, September 21, 2015 Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling interviewed intuitive empath Corey Goode and discussed his involvement with the Blue Avians (of the Sphere Being Alliance) who have chosen him as a delegate to interface with multiple ET Federations and Councils on their behalf.  Corey is a  liaison with the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance Council and is here to deliver important messages to humanity.

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The Sonic Heart Brain Resonance Pattern: Proof of Our Power to Create Peace

The Sonic Heart Brain Resonance Pattern: Proof of Our Power to Create Peace

By on September 4, 2015 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening

In this chaotic, cabal-driven world, what can we do to affect change? This is no prosaic question. It is not the hackneyed, predictable call of the flower child, or the exclusive right of the Harvard graduate in neuroscience. While the .01 percent will have us believe there is nothing we can do to make this world a better place, scientific evidence proves that peace is not only possible, but palpably, physically easy to manifest.

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Pillar of Light Phenomenon Explained By Corey Goode

Pillar of Light Phenomenon Explained By Corey Goode

By on August 23, 2015 in Science

by Corey Goode, Keep your eyes open people. The pillar of light phenomenon is occurring again. It is nothing to be afraid of. This appears to be related to the changing of resonance of the Earth and to help it transition into a higher density in a less violent manner (EQ’s/Physical Pole Reversals etc…). Previous […]

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Are We Being Set Up For A Global September Event?

Are We Being Set Up For A Global September Event?

By on July 19, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Once again, it appears that we’re being set up for an “EVENT” this September. Whether or not it comes to fruition remains undetermined, but according to millionaire Jeff Berwick, the following is his recommendation:

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Texas UFO “Cube” – Multiple View Witnesses And Photos

Texas UFO “Cube” – Multiple View Witnesses And Photos

By on July 2, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, On June 29th, 2015, a UFO “cube” was seen emerging out of the clouds by multiple people in Texas. The video of the photo compilation was released by YouTube user secureteam10. Walter C. Lance of El Paso, Texas was the first person to submit the photographs […]

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