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Tag: crystal child

Personality Test, Crystal Child, and MORE! Spirit Chat

Personality Test, Crystal Child, and MORE! Spirit Chat

By on February 7, 2020 in In5D Live, In5D Radio with 0 Comments

Join In5D’s Gregg Prescott for a Spirit Chat session where we talk about Personality Test, Crystal Child, and MORE!

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7 Signature Signs Of Starseeds And Lightworkers

7 Signature Signs Of Starseeds And Lightworkers

By on January 8, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Do you sometimes feel like ET trying to call home? Not sure why you are here but know you have a mission? Feel different and confused? ‘Starseed, volunteer, lightworker’ describe people who do not resonate with this reality. Here are 7 signature signs of starseed and lightworker people, and how to manage being in this dimension.

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Could I Be A ‘Crystal’ Being or Related To One?

Could I Be A ‘Crystal’ Being or Related To One?

By on January 18, 2015 in Indigos with 0 Comments

As more people awaken to higher levels of consciousness, they are waking up to find that they have attributes, senses, or “gifts” that are different than the majority of the population. They may also find that the children or young adults who are genetically related to them, or who gravitate toward them, are also intensely unique.

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