Tag: david wilcock

David Wilcock – The Solar System Is Moving Into A New Area Of Vibration
According to the research of David Wilcock, there is an impending shift going on within our solar system that will give us all the opportunity to make a quantum leap in consciousness.

A Nutritional Awakening For Ascension
Have you been bogged down by ascension symptoms? Do you have low energy, lack motivation and focus? If so you’re not alone and perhaps my story can help you.

Supernatural Event Coming Soon!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S., Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com As a visionary, I receive messages through my dreams, 3rd eye, and often times, directly from Source. In the past, I’ve spoken about a dream where I saw 3 massive tidal waves that will arrive which are basically waves of transformational energy, not water. It’s not […]

Pineal Gland Activation! Man Opens 3rd Eye With A Magnet
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Have you ever heard the expression, ‘Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it‘? Many people are trying to find ways to fully open their pineal glands but one person in particular may have gotten more than he desired. By using the […]

33 Quotes From Great Ascension Teachers
With so many wonderful ascension teachers from the past, here are 33 quotes that will resonate with many people!

Update: Giants, Final Battles For Planetary Freedom, And The Deaths Of David Rockefeller & Nathaniel Rothschild
by Shem El-Jamal, Via Event Chronicle This update from Kent Dunn and Gary Larrabee may be among the most bizarre accounts we will hear on the subject of world events. The details within this interview range from what we may consider normal to situations which sound as though they come right out of a page-turning […]

Cosmic Disclosure Behind The Scenes: A Day With David Wilcock And Corey Goode
A look into a “Going to record episodes of Cosmic Disclosure” day with David and Corey. Personally, I like these “not on air” videos (prior video by Corey is Here, as they illustrate that DW and CG are indeed human beings… sometimes wonderfully “strange” one, at that.

Approaching A New Earth: The Fall Of The Cabal
David Wilcock recently released a new article about the cabal’s inevitable demise, and as usual, it’s packed with information about the ‘cosmic drama’ as he calls it, that we’re going through.

Interpreting Edgar Cayce’s Failed Predictions
While many of Edgar Cayce’s predictions have come to fruition, some of his more recent predictions have not, such as the United States being divided by the Mississippi River due to flooding and Armageddon in 1999.

The Alien Tampering Of Human DNA
Erich von Daniken, Giorgio Tsoukalos, David Wilcock, Jason Martell, William Bramley and George Noory discuss the possibility of our DNA being manipulated by aliens. How did the races on Earth come to be. Was man genetically manipulated in the past by an alien race of beings? The Sumerians called their gods the Anunnaki, those who […]

David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key
What if life on earth is not random, but is guided by mysterious forces that are written into the orbital paths of the stars and planets themselves?

Current Incoming Intergalactic Waves Of Energy Predicted In 1953!
Were you aware the the current intergalactic waves of energy were actually predicted in 1953? by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com In a 1953 book entitled, “Other Tongues, Other Flesh” contactee George Hunt Williamson made some pretty astonishing revelations about what is happening currently to our planet regarding the influx of intergalactic […]

David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations – Full Video!
Did the founding fathers of America inherit this prophecy — and encode it directly into the Great Seal of the United States? Why is there a pyramid with an eye inside a glowing triangle? Is Novus Ordo Seclorum quoted from an ancient prophecy text — the greatest and most secret treasure of the Roman Empire — predicting that humans on Earth will transmute into “light beings” and achieve Apotheosis — where Man becomes God — and the ‘Gods’ themselves return?