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Tag: Deception

Anonymous Insider Shares Vision Of Ascension After Near Death Experience

Anonymous Insider Shares Vision Of Ascension After Near Death Experience

By on August 29, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What would it be like to wake up in another dimension? This is the reality that many people have seen in their meditations, giving some credence to the idea that ascension could happen in an instant. One woman, who prefers to remain anonymous, shared her vision of what the ascension would be like along with a warning of a “fake ascension” that may be planned by the dark beings.

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September 2015 – Deception, False Light and Our Collective Evolution

September 2015 – Deception, False Light and Our Collective Evolution

By on August 26, 2015 in Awareness

by Simon Vorster, RaisingVibrations  There is much speculation and anticipation about September 2015. Many of us have been researching and trying to understand the potential outcomes of events such as the coming Blood Moon tetrad, the reactivation of CERN, the UN Genreal Assembly and Operation Jade Helm 15, while others are predicting everything from false flags to the realization of […]

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