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Tag: dimensional shift

24 Spiritual Ascension Symptoms

24 Spiritual Ascension Symptoms

By on July 11, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Ascension is about moving one’s state of consciousness from one reality to another. Since reality is a dimension, we are making a dimensional shift.

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Between Two Worlds In The Interdimensional Hallway

Between Two Worlds In The Interdimensional Hallway

By on February 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The final week of any year is a strange mix of energies as we look forward to the new beginning we hope will be different from the year before. This year, the movement from 2016 to 2017 is very unusual and is a very big deal, which may be why we are so impatient for it to begin. As we transition from one paradigm to the next, because entering into 2017 is a big paradigm shift from 3D to 5D, and we are transitioning into a new energetic paradigm, we have to spend time in the hallway, which is the very uncomfortable place between two worlds.

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The False Ascension Matrix – How Does It Affect You?

The False Ascension Matrix – How Does It Affect You?

By on December 8, 2016 in Exiting The Matrix

by Karen AnTara, Contributing Writer, What is your understanding of the 4D Astral Plane? Are you connected to it?  If so, are you aware of its effects on you? Are you aware of the 5th dimension (5D), and what’s happening there? If you’re on any form of ascension path and you’re not aware that 4D […]

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Journey Of Spiritual Transformation

Journey Of Spiritual Transformation

By on June 23, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As we move into the manifestation phase through the winter solstice period, the clearing and transforming of all trauma is of utmost importance. This is the key to choosing to relinquish the 3D dense duality consciousness of conflict and separation, and fully anchor in the heart of unity consciousness.

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What Really Happened With The 2012 Time Travel Predictions?

What Really Happened With The 2012 Time Travel Predictions?

By on May 8, 2015 in Awareness, Prophecy

Many of us heard about some amazing time travel predictions where people tried to see past 2012 and could only see what they described as “white light”. What really happened in these experiments and what did the white light ultimately represent? Montauk: Two American seamen jumped off the USS Eldridge during the Philadelphia Experiment on […]

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Earth’s Grids And Portals

Earth’s Grids And Portals

By on February 18, 2015 in Awareness with 0 Comments

The following is an excerpt from the book, Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity. There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth.

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