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Tag: divine masculine

Chakra Balancing Guided Meditation

Chakra Balancing Guided Meditation

By on May 29, 2019 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

If you’ve been looking for a chakra balancing guided meditation, look no further!

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The Connection Between Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus, And The Notre Dame Event

The Connection Between Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus, And The Notre Dame Event

By on May 24, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

I have received the following information regarding the fire in Notre Dame on the 15th of April 2019 and the connection between Dolores Cannon and Nostradamus.

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This Is What Happens As Your Lightbody Activates

This Is What Happens As Your Lightbody Activates

By on April 3, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As your lightbody begins to activate: The 1st thing that will happen is the merkaba will activate. There will be a golden thin light that will come out of your physical body approximately 6 feet (1.83 meters) in front of you and spiral over your head around behind your back down under your feet and circle round and round. As it spins, it will be approximately 6 feet in front of you, above you, behind you, and below you and will be exactly 6 feet from your heart center. You will see it with your full physical eyes.

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A Word Of Encouragement During This Shift

A Word Of Encouragement During This Shift

By on April 19, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In this new beginning, nothing is the same anymore. Things have changed and shifted. We are being called to a place of newness, freedom and expansion. For a lot of us this may seem very frightening and painful because things we are familiar with gives us a great sense of security and safety. We know what to expect from the familiar even if it causes us great heartache. Sometimes when faced with change, we turn down opportunities because of the fear of not being in control of what the outcome will be.

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ENERGY UPDATE – Our New Re-Birth Is Here, We Have Entered A New Horizon!!!

ENERGY UPDATE – Our New Re-Birth Is Here, We Have Entered A New Horizon!!!

By on February 19, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, *An exciting shift happened during writing this* – Where are we at? Pts 2 & 3 Soul Contract Connections/Soul Mates/Twin Flames/Divine Twin Flames – what ever one chooses to label ANY/ALL relationships with either a male or female – is being felt VERY STRONGLY right now. As each soul within […]

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Energy Update – Dramatic Reality Shaking And Shifts Coming

Energy Update – Dramatic Reality Shaking And Shifts Coming

By on August 4, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, Dramatic reality shaking and shifts coming for those who hang on from a place of separation, ego, stubbornness, passive resistance and keep trying to re-create the old unconscious realities in their worlds. These higher vibrations do not allow for this. “Nip it in the bud” is a huge part of our realities […]

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Twin Flames – Origin, Purpose, and Relationships

Twin Flames – Origin, Purpose, and Relationships

by Verna Maruata, Twin Flames are two halves of a single unit. We all have a Twin Flame. God created us with the purpose that we would move away from the point of creation, to learn and grow and evolve into our divinity, returning to our point of origin as perfected Beings. At this initial […]

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The Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine

By on March 9, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Many of us have been programmed by society to buy into the patriarchal cycle of war, aggression, ego and materialism but these energies are changing. According to Drunvalo Melchizedk, the earth goes through 12,000 year cycles between masculine and feminine energies. Right now, we are at […]

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The New Earth Male

The New Earth Male

By on February 21, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Alex Thompson Contributing Writer, As we embrace the New Paradigm, the balancing rise of the Divine Feminine, the evolution of consciousness, it is the job of the “New Earth Male” to be a living, breathing example of what it ‘really’ means to be a man. This is not the Hollywood ‘pseudo-macho’ image that we […]

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