Tag: dolores cannon
Old Souls Unite! 16 Amazing Ways To Tell If You Are An Old Soul
How can you tell if you are an old soul? Are there differences in traits or behaviors? What signs can I look for that can help me differentiate the difference? The word “old” is only relative to time. Because time is linear and our souls are eternal, 10,000 years would be the blink of an eye. Dolores Cannon believes that we need to incarnate many, many times as inanimate objects, plants and animals before we can become human. Then, as humans, we still need to incarnate many, many times to learn all of the lessons we came here for.
13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth
According to late Dolores Cannon’s hypnotherapy research, a New Earth is being formed where many of us will go in the near future. Much of this is based on vibration, not only of our planet, but each individual on this planet.
Backdrop People: The Role of Non-Source Players or Soulless Ones
Dolores Cannon popularized the idea of backdrop people as, essentially, “extras” within the Earth experience. The notion that some people aren’t “real” might be a sensitive idea for some, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t reality. I should preface by also mentioning that, on some level, it kind of doesn’t matter — you should always treat everyone as you’d want to be treated, with love and kindness. That being said, this article will explore my evolving understanding about extras in the matrix.
17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening
We’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum. People are waking up and are facing their biggest fears, only to find out that this reality is a dream inside of a dream. In other words, we never die and our waking lives are merely a reflection of the subconscious mind which always brings us our biggest obstacles and fears in order to overcome these obstacles and to grow spiritually.
Dolores Cannon, My OBE, And Worldwide Regression Week
OBE’s (Out of Body Experiences) are a fairly rare occurrence for me. Last night I left my body, floated into my living room, and saw Dolores Cannon sitting there. Beside myself with delight at her presence, I sat down and we had a little chat.
30 Signs That You Are Wired Differently Than “Normal” People
Do you feel like you are wired differently than most people? At times, do you feel like you don’t “fit in” on this planet? Did you ever wonder why things feel so differently to you, but not to other people? Have you noticed strange anomalies within yourself that the general population doesn’t seem to experience? This article might help you to understand WHY.
David Wilcock – The Solar System Is Moving Into A New Area Of Vibration
According to the research of David Wilcock, there is an impending shift going on within our solar system that will give us all the opportunity to make a quantum leap in consciousness.
5D Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind?
In spiritual and metaphysical conversations, many people are talking about 5d Earth and whether people will get left behind or not. This speculation has caused great controversy among many people within these fields and this article will most likely continue the speculation.
In Order To Incarnate To Earth You Had To Master Manifestations
Julia Cannon, daughter of past life regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, explains how we not only chose to be here in this 3rd dimensional reality, but in order to incarnate to this planet, we all had to be ‘master manifestors’.
Are You One Of The People Who Heard The Call?
Are you one of the people who heard the call? For many of us, we don’t feel like Earth is our “home” and wonder why we’re here. For many, this video will answer that question!
Distorted Reality – Recalling Different Events After Timelines Merge
It seems a lot of people are experiencing timeline shifts, so it made me ponder: If you shift timelines, how would that be recorded in your Akashic Records? Would you only remember that current timeline or would you see ALL of your timelines?
What Is A Soul Group?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com What is a Soul Group? Did you ever meet someone and felt as though you knew that person for a long time, even thought this was the first time you ever met? Did you ever have a connection with someone where you could finish their sentences […]
Dolores Cannon Comments About The New Earth
These are some ‘what to expect’ excerpts from Dolores Cannon’s ‘Convoluted Universe Book Two from the chapter, ‘The New Earth’.
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