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Tag: earth changes

Carl Munck: Expect MAJOR Earth Changes Every 4300 Years (Right Now!)

Carl Munck: Expect MAJOR Earth Changes Every 4300 Years (Right Now!)

In an interview on Red Ice Radio, Carl Munck stated that every 4,300 years, the Earth goes through major changes, including the epic flood 4,300 years ago, a pole shift 8,600 years ago and the demise of Atlantis 12,900 years ago.

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Dolores Cannon – In The Midst Of Chaos

Dolores Cannon – In The Midst Of Chaos

By on September 2, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Below is an excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s “Convoluted Universe”, Book Three, in which the QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy) participant, dubbed “Anne”, describes the Human Evolution changes we are experiencing now. Keep in mind while reading this, that this book was published in 2008.

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Anonymous Insider Shares Vision Of Ascension After Near Death Experience

Anonymous Insider Shares Vision Of Ascension After Near Death Experience

By on August 29, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What would it be like to wake up in another dimension? This is the reality that many people have seen in their meditations, giving some credence to the idea that ascension could happen in an instant. One woman, who prefers to remain anonymous, shared her vision of what the ascension would be like along with a warning of a “fake ascension” that may be planned by the dark beings.

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Do You Hear Daytime Birds Chirping At Night?

Do You Hear Daytime Birds Chirping At Night?

By on June 14, 2015 in Awareness with 0 Comments

Try going outside after midnight and listen for 15 minutes.  Do you hear chirping birds at night?

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Dolores Cannon – 5D Earth is Here!

Dolores Cannon – 5D Earth is Here!

By on May 21, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Among some of the ascension symptoms Dolores talked about include: high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, depression, joint aches and pains, ringing in the ears and headaches.  Cannon stated, “These don’t all happen at once. You might have one every few days,” adding that your physician will not understand that this is your body adjusting to the new frequencies.  “If you just wait a few days“ Cannon stated, “you’ll be just fine. It is just the body as it is adjusting (to the new frequencies).”

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DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies

By on May 18, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The following is a thorough explanation of how DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, along with how this is related to the merging of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy.

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