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Tag: Edgar

Edgar Cayce: 11:11 and Synchronicity

Edgar Cayce: 11:11 and Synchronicity

By on November 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Edgar Cayce mentioned 11:11 one time in his readings, yet this observation has gone relatively unnoticed until now.

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Edgar Cayce – The Earth Is Catching Up With Time

Edgar Cayce – The Earth Is Catching Up With Time

By on September 25, 2017 in Prophecy, Science with 0 Comments

Edgar Cayce, known as the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ once stated, ‘The Earth is catching up with time’ but what does this mean?  Terence McKenna’s Timewave Zero theory is based on the premise that time is spiraling towards the singularity.  Ian Xel Lungold believed that creation is speeding up because there’s less time.  Are these three theories related?

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A Brief History Of FAILED End Time Predictions

A Brief History Of FAILED End Time Predictions

By on September 22, 2017 in Awareness, Enlightening Articles, Prophecy with 0 Comments

What can we expect the day after the ‘end of the world’? According to wiki, there have been 183 end of the world predictions that have failed.  Many of these were prophesied by religious zealots through fear propaganda. Here are just a few of them.

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The Causes Of Illness According To Edgar Cayce

The Causes Of Illness According To Edgar Cayce

By on February 23, 2015 in Health

by Sidney D. Kirkpatrick and Nancy Thurlbeck, The greatest surprise of Edgar Cayce‘s health readings were the apparent causes given for various illnesses. The Source, speaking through the sleeping Cayce, cited reasons for illness that ranged from what now might be considered old-fashioned, like getting one’s feet wet or exposure to the elements, to more […]

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Cosmic Consciousness Phenomena: The Overview Effect

Cosmic Consciousness Phenomena: The Overview Effect

By on January 23, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The overview effect is a transcendental, euphoric feeling of universal connection reported by some astronauts during spaceflight, often while viewing the Earth from orbit or from the lunar surface.  

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Top 10 Edgar Cayce Predictions

Top 10 Edgar Cayce Predictions

By on January 30, 2010 in Enlightening Articles, Prophecy

Many of Edgar Cayce’s predictions have already come to fruition. Cayce, also known as the Sleeping Prophet, correctly predicted the stock market crash and Great Depression of 1929, the beginning of World War II, and many Earth Changes of modern times. Here is a list of the most startling and memorable Edgar Cayce predictions

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